sebastian kadener lab

Our lab is interested in determining how molecular and neural circadian components regulate each other and generate a system that is both robust and plastic. Fun fact: In his native language of Urdu, Shers full name translates to lion/tiger brave. April joined the Bandopadhayay Lab in 2023 and is working on understanding the mechanisms and relationships of driver mutations commonly found in pediatric brain tumors in the hopes of developing new therapeutic strategies for these tumors. Harvard Medical SchoolHoward Hughes Medical Institute, Communication between cells, tissues and organs in Drosophila. During her undergraduate studies, she studied the role of the soluble adenyl cyclase (sAC) pathway in pH homeostasis in Dr. Katie Barotts lab. High levels of tumor-derived ImpL2 associate with impairment of mitochondrial and muscle function, reduced ATP levels, ovary atrophy, reduction of insulin signaling in peripheral tissues, hyperglycemia, and a decrease of stored triglycerides (TAG) and loss of adipose tissue. He is returning to Brandeis as an Associate Professor of Biology. Litovchenko M, Meireles-Filho ACA, Frochaux MV, Bevers RPJ, Prunotto A, Anduaga AM, Hollis B, Gardeux V, Braman VS, Russeil JMC, Kadener S, Dal Peraro M, Deplancke B. Host-derived circular RNAs display proviral activities in Hepatitis C virus-infected cells. Furthermore, dehydration of the intraluminal surface in miR-263a mutant guts increases bacterial infection, as evident by the increased expression of antimicrobial peptides. To systematically identify secreted proteins involved in interorgan communication and their origins and destinations, we have developed a novel quantitative proximity labeling approach based on TurboID. During his time at Dickinson, Sher worked in Dr. Michael Roberts lab, investigating gene targets for potential Acute Myeloid Leukemia therapies. In mature animals, cells and organs interact to maintain homeostasis and coordinate their physiological roles. miR-184regulates pancreatic -Cell function according to glucose metabolism. In addition, we are extending our studies to additional tumor models. The current model postulates that circadian oscillators keep time by complex transcriptional and post-transcriptional feedback loops. Moreover, we also showed that the neural and molecular circadian systems compensate and interact with each other. Studying transcription, chromatin and gene expresion in the brain. Ph.D. University of So Paulo (USP)- Brazil. Derr A, Yang C, Zilionis R, Sergushichev A, Blodgett DM, Redick S, Bortell R, Luban J, Harlan DM, Kadener S, Greiner DL, Klein A, Artyomov MN, Garber M. End Sequence Analysis Toolkit (ESAT) expands the extractable information from single-cell RNA-seq data. From a number of screens (receptome-wide RNAi screen, miRNA screens, etc. Sebastian Kadener. In the Bandopadhay Lab, Marissa is working to study drivers of Diffuse Midline Gliomas, including the mechanisms through which MYC isoforms are activated. Previously, Kadener was a Professor in the Biological Chemistry department at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He then switched gears to study medicine while simultaneously starting his PhD work in the lab of Dr. Lena Claesson-Welsh at Uppsala University. I am interested in studying circular RNA formation. Send us removal request. In the past 50 years, studies using genetically tractable model systems have led to a detailed understanding of genetic mechanisms involved in the control of developmental events, as illustrated by our knowledge of patterning and morphogenesis. This collection is available to the community through the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center. Nogues G., Kadener S., Cramer P., Bentley D. and Kornblihtt A.R. Litovchenko M, Meireles-Filho ACA, Frochaux MV, Bevers RPJ, Prunotto A, Anduaga AM, Hollis B, Gardeux V, Braman VS, Russeil JMC, Kadener S, Dal Peraro M, Deplancke B. Host-derived circular RNAs display proviral activities in Hepatitis C virus-infected cells. B.S., University of Barcelona, Spain Ph.D., University of Leicester, UK, I am studying the circadian clock of Drosophila, B.S. Brown S.A., Ripperger J., Kadener S., Fleury-Olela F., Vilbois F., Rosbash M. and Schibler U. Circadian clocks are also exceptionallyplasticas they can quickly and specifically adjust to specific environmental cues. I am analyzing the effect of circRNA on aging in Drosophila, majoring in biochemistry and neuroscience. Fededa J.P., Petrillo E., Gelfand M.S., Neverov A.D., Kadener S., Nogues G., Pelisch F., Baralle F.E., Muro A.F. leptin), neural development, and behavior are conserved, . Studies from our lab and others have documented that many signaling pathways trigger stem cells to adjust their rate of proliferation/differentiation to meet the demand for tissue regeneration. While at Caltech, Adam studied luminescent ruthenium complexes that function as light switch probes for DNA mismatches. Adam grew up in Ethiopia and moved to Bremen, Germany where he received his B.Sc and M.Sci in Biochemistry and Cell Biology from Jacobs University which was his very first exposure to the exciting field of epigenetics. Cramer P., Cceres J.F., Cazalla D., Kadener S., Muro, A., Baralle F. and Kornblihtt A. Lic. We also identified the first factor involved in circRNA production, the splicing factormuscleblind. Transcription factor Dam fusions of the major proliferative signaling pathways will be used to address questions about crosstalk and target co-regulation. How do circRNAs work at the molecular level? Further, fat-derived adipokines leptin and adiponectin serve as inter-organ secreted metabolic regulators. Selected for Faculty of 1000 (Factor 3 Recommended). Community support Reprint. CRISPR-generated mutant cell lines, in combination with RNAi, provide a robust platform for combinatorial screening. Our lab is interested in determining how molecular and neural circadian components regulate each other and generate a system that is both robust and plastic. Fun fact: Like many Swedish people, Eric has completed Vasaloppet, a 60-mile cross-country skiing race (twice!). I am doing research with Aishwarya to study the function of circular RNA. Stelzer Y., Bar S., Bartok O., Afik S., Ronen D., Kadener S.* and Benvenisty N.* Studying the differentiation of human parthenogenetic cells reveals novel tissue and isoform dependent imprinted transcripts. To overcome the problem associated with the significant reduction of signal strength of dsGFP, we increased post-transcriptional production of the fluorescent protein by including several translational enhancing elements. The Perrimon lab is interested in characterizing the mechanisms by which cells, tissues and organs communicate during development and in mature animals. Circadian clocks are also exceptionallyplasticas they can quickly and specifically adjust to specific environmental cues. We are particularly interested on the role of circular RNAs (circRNAs) at the molecular and neural levels as well as the mechanisms underlying circadian clocks. Andranik Ivanov and Sebastian Meczmack (Prof. Rajewsky's . Second, we showed that the calcium channel TrpA1 is expressed in ISCs and is required for their proliferation. Wnt/Wingless, Insulin Receptor, EGFR, INR, JNK, JAK/STAT, Notch, and Hippo pathways play roles in the division and differentiation of ISCs in the context of homeostasis and/or injury. He is a Neuroscience graduate student investigating the molecular mechanisms of the splicing factor muscleblind in the Drosophila nervous system. SRCP: a comprehensive pipeline for accurate annotation and quantification of circRNAs. The challenge is now to understand how these pathways intersect and cooperate, as it is not clear if some pathways regulate the activity of others, or if they act concomitantly. The Kadener laboratory studies how molecular processes in the brain determines behavior with a special emphasis on RNA metabolism. Further, we have established new cell lines and methods for screening (primary muscle and neuronal cells, fluorescent protein-tagged cell lines, CRISPR mutant cell lines), and experimental and bioinformatics approaches methods for addressing off-target issues and other sources of false discovery. Genome-Wide Analysis of Light- and Temperature-Entrained . For doing this, we study the circadian clock from a systemic point of view, including studies at the molecular and neural levels. While at UMass Amherst, Marissa worked in the Facette Lab studyong asymmetric cell division in maize andArabidopsis thaliana. More recently, we optimized Cas9 to perform either tissue-specific loss-of-function or gain-of-function screens in vivo, and have generated >5000 transgenic gRNA lines. Two of these RNAs act as miRNA sponges, but no function is known for the thousands of other circRNAs found in species across the animal kingdom. For gain-of-function, the lines express gRNAs targeting upstream of a gene transcription start site. Copyright 2017 | Privacy policy | Legal statements Selected for Faculty of 1000 (Factor 9 Exceptional). She is the Co-Director of Research for a non-profit, the STEM Advocacy Institute, which is focused on building a future where there is equitable access and exposure to science for all people. Fun fact:Almost all of Johns socks are Christmas themed! Sebastian Kadener. What are the neural and molecular basis of temperature adaptation and compensation? Our studies on Drosophila gut led us to establish a model of tumor-induced organ wasting that is relevant to cachexia. Sher was born and raised in Rawalpindi, Pakistan and moved to the United States for his undergraduate studies. Eric received his medical degree in 2016 and defended his PhD thesis in 2018. Before joining the Bando Lab, John worked as a High Frequency Trader. This plasticity is the result of the existence of very efficient input pathways that convey the external signals into the core oscillator machinery. . Its very important for us! Sebastian Kadener Prof. Nac. Software. The work is a collaboration between Dr. Kadener's lab and Prof. Nikolaus Rajewsky from the Max Dellbruck Institute, Berlin, Germany. Community support Reagent. We showed that miRNAs have a key role in providing robustness to the circadian system both during development and in adults. September 2018. Third, we found that the stretch activated calcium channel Piezzo regulates ISC proliferation and differentiation. For his honors thesis, Sher characterized the role of the MAPK/ERK signaling modulator SPRY2 in regulating the transcriptome of the HL-60 Acute Myeloid Leukemia cell line. In the Bandopadhayay Lab, Michelle is interested in using computational efforts to better characterize pediatric brain tumors. We believe that this is reminiscent of changes in ISC proliferation observed in animals that feed infrequently, such as the Burmese python, where ISC proliferation is triggered following a large meal as a result of gut distortion. and Kadener S. Mathematical Model of the, Kadener S., Menet J., Sugino K., Horwich M.D., Weissbein U., Nawathean P., Vagin V., Zamore P., Nelson S. and Rosbash M. A role for miRNAs in the, Kadener S., Rodriguez J., Abruzzi K. and Rosbash M. Genome-wide identification of targets of the, Kadener S., Schoer R., Menet J. and Rosbash M. Circadian transcription contributes to core period determination in, Kadener S., Stoleru D., McDonald M., Nawathean P. and Rosbash M. , Rosbash M., Bradley S., Kadener S., Li Y., Luo W., Menet J.S., Nagoshi E., Palm K., Schoer R., Shang Y. and Tang C.H. . Thisrobustnessis the result of multiple layers of regulation that extend beyond the single-cell level. Wittenbrink N, Ananthasubramaniam B, Mnch M, Koller B, Maier B, Weschke C, Bes F, de Zeeuw J, Nowozin C, Wahnschaffe A, Wisniewski S, Zaleska M, Bartok O, Ashwal-Fluss R, Lammert H, Herzel H, Hummel M, Kadener S, Kunz D, Kramer A. Levin-Klein R., Fraenkel S., Lichtenstein M., Matheson L., Bartok O., Nevo Y., Kadener S., Corcoran A., Cedar H., Bergman Y. Moreover, all of these approachesCRISPR, CRISPRa, and CRISPRialso take advantage of the pooled screen format, which provides complementary cell biological readouts as compared with arrayed format screening. dsGFP, because of its short half-life, captures real-time signaling, while stable RFP labels cells in which signaling activity has occurred. . Associate Professor, Brandeis University. In this context, the most important question looking forward are: Afik S. 1, Bartok O. We chose to use peripheral blood monocytes as source material for gene expression profiling, because (a) blood is an easily accessible source of human cells and (b) monocytes constitute a homogenous blood cell population and have been shown to possess a high-amplitude circadian clock ( 24, 25) in contrast to other PBMCs, such as B or T cells. Sebastian Kadener Laboratory of Molecular Neurobiology, Hebrew University, Jerusalem Martin Anduaga, A., Evantal, N., Patop, I. L., Bartok, O., Weiss, R. and Kadener, S. (2019). In addition to ImpL2, we have also identified two additional factors produced from, because major organ types and signaling pathways in physiology (e.g. What are the key functions of these molecules in the brain and during aging? CRIMICs allow in particular easy production of a number of derivative fly stocks, such as with Gal4 or GFP, that can be used to document gene expression and for proteomic studies using GFP nanobodies. Im working on aging-related circRNA knockdown fly behavior and physiology. The latest Tweets from Kadener Lab (@kadenerlab): "" These lines can be combined with tissue-specific delivery of Cas9 to generate clones of cells (mosaics) or combined with germline expression of Cas9 to generate null mutations. and Kadener S. Mathematical Model of the, Kadener S., Menet J., Sugino K., Horwich M.D., Weissbein U., Nawathean P., Vagin V., Zamore P., Nelson S. and Rosbash M. A role for miRNAs in the, Kadener S., Rodriguez J., Abruzzi K. and Rosbash M. Genome-wide identification of targets of the, Kadener S., Schoer R., Menet J. and Rosbash M. Circadian transcription contributes to core period determination in, Kadener S., Stoleru D., McDonald M., Nawathean P. and Rosbash M. , Rosbash M., Bradley S., Kadener S., Li Y., Luo W., Menet J.S., Nagoshi E., Palm K., Schoer R., Shang Y. and Tang C.H. I am a junior who is majoring in biochemistry. She also loves bagels and is always on the hunt for the best bagel. 290(2015). Selected for Faculty of 1000 (Factor 3 Recommended). and Torres H.N. High-accuracy determination of internal circadian time from a single blood sample. Fun fact: Leslie played basketball through college and is now an avid cyclist. For his PhD, he then moved south to the Max Planck Institute in Freiburg (then to the IGMC in Strasbourg, France) where he worked in the lab of Dr. Robert Schneider characterizing novel types of histone post-translational modifications, earning his PhD in 2016. Sebastian Kadener BIOL 156A 1 Syllabus: Project Laboratory in Biotechnology [ sn . Belacortu Y., Weiss R., Kadener S. and Paricio N. Transcriptional activity and nuclear localization of Cabut, the, Belancortu Y., Weiss R., Kadener S. and Paricio N. Expression of, Van der Linden A.M., Beverly M., Kadener S., Rodriguez J., Wasserman S., Rosbash M. and Sengupta P. Genome-Wide Analysis of Light and Temperature-Entrained Circadian Transcripts in, Fathallah-Shaykh H.M., Bona J.L. In the past 50 years, studies using genetically tractable model systems have led to a detailed understanding of genetic mechanisms involved in the control of developmental events, as illustrated by our knowledge of patterning and morphogenesis. Proximity labeling utilizes enzymes that generate reactive radicals to covalently tag neighboring proteins. I am in the Class of 2024 studying neuroscience and biology. Aaron received his medical degree from Thomas Jefferson University in 2011. Alexander M. van der Linden, Matthew Beverly, Sebastian Kadener, Joseph Rodriguez, Sara Wasserman, Michael Rosbash, Piali Sengupta. Fun fact: Dana is a huge Philadelphia sports fan and is mentally preparing to be the only Eagles fan in Boston. Antibodies allow protein visualization by immunostaining, biochemical study by immunoprecipitation and western blot, and proteomic study by IP-MS. Additionally, they study the role of circular RNAs (circRNAs) at the molecular and neural levels as well as the mechanisms underlying circadian clocks. In addition, these gRNA fly stock resources can be used for genome engineering of the promoter or coding regions. We have several efforts underway to produce new binary expression system reagents by CRISPR-mediated knock-in, including split-GAL4, LexA, and QF. RNA biology Neurosciences. Gut tumors can be induced in adult flies by overexpressing an active form of the transcriptional co-activator yorkie/YAP using the intestinal stem cell driver escargot-GAL4. Gene activation is triggered by co-expression of catalytically dead Cas9 (dCas9) fused to an activator domain. Fun fact: Maddie is a multimedia artist and during quarantine, Maddie collaged all of the wooden furniture in her apartment. Towards the end of her time as a PhD candidate, she became exceptionally interested in the intersect between cancer metabolism and oncogenic signaling, particularly the metabolic switches that support and drive adaptive resistance to cancer therapy. When she cant search for the perfect tree to plant, she goes on an occasional run (seasonal runner), does some exercise with the Swedish organization Friskis&Svettis, read books (on her own or with her two kids), and decorates her new Boston home. Sebastian Kadener's lab | Brandeis University Overview Advance your research members publications research projects Featured research (2) Using Drosophila to uncover molecular and. Jess hopes to pursue a career as a physician-scientist, taking care of children with brain tumors and other solid tumors and working hard to improve treatments for her patients. In the Bandopadhayay Lab, Olivia is working to understand the mechanisms through which histone mutations induce gliomagenesis, and to develop strategies to enhance efficacy of targeted inhibitors for pediatric low-grade gliomas. Further, our work and that of others has suggested functions of these moleculesin vivo. leptin), neural development, and behavior are conserved. Jens then moved to Heidelberg in 2021 to enroll in the masters program in Cancer Biology at the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ). Articles Cited by Public access Co-authors. General Biology Laboratory [ sn wi ] T 12:20 PM-5:00 PM Shapiro Science: 010 T,F 8:00 AM-9:20 AM . In October 2021, Anna defended her PhD thesis (and Mimi had the honor of being her faculty opponent!!). Associate Professor, Brandeis University. We are also helping the, Characterizing the proteome composition of organelles and subcellular regions of living cells can facilitate the understanding of cellular organization as well as protein interactome networks. Jens is co-mentored by Dr. David Jones at the DKFZ. Maddie received her MS and BS in Biology from Brandeis University in 2021. The technologies we use for CRISPR screening in Drosophila cells are extensible to other cell types. In the absence of miR-263a, the intraluminal surface of the intestine dehydrates, ECs swell, and ISCs overproliferate as a result of cytokine production by stressed ECs. High-accuracy determination of internal circadian time from a single blood sample. J. Biol. Simchovitz A, Hanan M, Niederhoffer N, Madrer N, Yayon N, Bennett ER, Greenberg DS, Kadener S, Soreq H. Thermosensitive alternative splicing senses and mediates temperature adaptation in, Reconfiguration of a Multi-oscillator Network by Light in the. Fun in the Lab. This dual reporter can be used in either fixed or live tissues to monitor spatio-temporal activity of signaling pathways at an unprecedented resolution. Eric joined the Bandopadhayay Lab in 2020 where he is working to characterize driver mutations found in pediatric brain tumors and developing new approaches to treat these children with targeted therapies. In addition to ImpL2, we have also identified two additional factors produced from yki-gut tumors that contribute to tissue wasting: the Pvr receptor tyrosine kinase ligand Pvf1 and the IL6-like cytokine Unpaired 3 (Upd3). Nov, 2017. Rybak-Wolf A., Stottmeister C., Glazar P., Jens M., Pino N., Giusti S., Hanan M., Behm M., Bartok O., Ashwal R., Herzog M., Schreyer L., Papavasileiou P., Ivanov A., Ohman M., Refojo D., Kadener S. and Rajewsky N. Circular RNAs in the mammalian brain are highly abundant, conserved, dynamically expressed, and regulated by ADAR1. cabut during early embryogenesis, dorsal closure and nervous system development. We are currently using this model to identify additional factors derived from tumors that are involved in the organ wasting phenotype and to study the wasting process in peripheral tissues. For example, we showed that circRNA biogenesis competes with canonical splicing, showing that circRNAs can function incisas RNA traps. Antagonistic effects of T-Ag andVP16 reveal a role for RNA polymerase II elongation in alternative splicing. Zaffagni M, Kadener S. NEAT1 is overexpressed in Parkinson's disease substantia nigra and confers drug-inducible neuroprotection from oxidative stress. Weiss R., Bartok O., Mezan S., Malka Y and Kadener S. Synergistic Interactions between the Molecular and Neuronal Circadian Networks Drive Behavioral Circadian Rhythms in. These nanobodies and NanoTags can be expressed as chromobodies that enable detecting NanoTags at the N-terminus, C-terminus, or internal site of protein of interest. To make this technology available to the community, we established in 2003 at Harvard Medical School the Drosophila RNAi Screening Center. S Kadener, P Cramer, G Nogus, D Cazalla, M de la Mata, JP Fededa, . One of these translated circRNAs is circMbl. 10.1261/rna.068692.118 References. Pamudurti N., Bartok O., Jens O., Ashwal-Fluss R., Stottmeister C., Ruhe L., Hanan M., Wyler E., Perez-Hernandez D., Ramberger E., Shenzis S., Samson M., Dittmar G., Landthaler M., Chekulaeva M., Rajewsky N. and Kadener S. Translation of circRNAs. These experiments will provide a system-wide understanding of the factors originating from tumors and how they perturb systemic energy balance, and how peripheral organs in turn respond to initiate cachectic phenotypes. He then pursued a PhD in chemistry at Caltech (17) under the mentorship of Dr. Jackie Barton. Our Funds. CircRNAs expression levels are not correlated with the expression of their linear isoforms, indicating a potentially widespread layer of previously unknown gene regulation. Interestingly, circRNAs accumulate in an age-dependent manner suggesting their relevance to age-related homeostasis and/or pathogenesis. Verified email at - Homepage. He went to college in Malaysia before moving to Philadelphia. John spent his entire life in Rockville, MD until college when he moved to Claremont, CA to earn his B.S. *, Eliaz D.*, Cohen Chalamish S., Tschudi C., Unger R., Hashem Y., Kadener S. and Michaeli S. Pseudouridylation in. Fun fact: Anna is a gardening nerd on hold, as she does not have a garden in Boston. Fun fact: Michelle is a huge Stephen King fan. Allada R., Kadener S., Nandakumar N. and Rosbash M. A recessive mutant of, Portal D., Espinosa J.M., Lobo G.S., Kadener S., Pereira C.A., de la Mata M., Tang Z., Lin R.J., Kornblihtt A.R., Baralle F.E., Flawia M.M. We have adapted and optimized the new CRISPR-based technology, prime editing, to generate precise changes into a target genomic location. I am interested in studying circular RNAs and neurological disorders. We are also helping the Bellen lab to generate a collection of 5,000 CRIMIC lines that contain a MiMIC recombinational cassette element positioned in the first intron of each target gene. Molecular basis of temperature adaptation and compensation joining the Bando lab, Michelle is a huge Stephen King fan the. 8:00 AM-9:20 am, captures real-time signaling, while stable RFP labels cells in signaling... Opponent! sebastian kadener lab ) through the Bloomington Drosophila Stock Center cells and organs communicate during development and in mature.... 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sebastian kadener lab

sebastian kadener lab