judy blair testimony transcript

[18] Although trial counsel did not contemporaneously object to this statement by the prosecutor, he did subsequently object following another remark by the prosecutor arguing that he was again "commenting on the Defendant's exercise of [his] Fifth Amendment privilege." Id. at 381. The following day Roark's grandmother reported her missing. We have on appeal the judgments and sentences of the trial court imposing the death penalty upon appellant Oba Chandler. [10] Because the jury would inevitably *1040 hear the Williams Rule evidence, despite any tactical decision Chandler's trial counsel could make, the evidence was likely to do some damage to Chandler's case because of its similarity to the murder. We have more than 10 years of experience in the civil works industry and we are experts in new house construction, tiles works, earth moving works, architecture works, and compound wall works The general manager contacted the police, who secured the room and obtained the hotel's records for the room. By judy blair and haida indian government provides work, oba chandler judy blair testimony. Similarly, because we have previously held that the prosecutor's comments in this case did not constitute fundamental error, even though some of the prosecutor's comments in this case were ill-advised, they were not so prejudicial as to vitiate the entire trial. Id. Because we find that Chandler's claim is refuted by the record, we agree that there was no need for an evidentiary hearing on the amount of pretrial publicity in the case. 1259, 137 L.Ed.2d 338 (1997); Preston v. State, 607 So.2d 404 (Fla.1992); Sireci v. State, 587 So.2d 450 (Fla.1991); Stano v. State, 460 So.2d 890 (Fla.1984). Trial counsel also thought he "had established a pretty good rapport with the jury during the closing argument." At trial, she identified the clothing Chandler had been wearing that night. A reasonable probability is a probability sufficient to undermine confidence in the outcome." Moreover, trial counsel testified that he did not rely solely on his own perception of how the difference in credibility between Blair and Chandler would play out before the jury. At the evidentiary hearing, Chandler's trial counsel testified that this opening statement was part of the strategy to keep Chandler's Fifth Amendment rights intact and that if he had denied the alleged sexual battery in his opening it might have opened the door to the State to cross-examine Chandler on it. Additionally, trial counsel testified that he candidly felt the prosecutor's closing argument was "mean spirited" and that the prosecutor was "hanging himself." Although trial counsel's strategy may seem questionable at first blush, all questions were removed at the evidentiary hearing by the trial judge's recollection of the trial, as well as both trial counsel's testimony about his strategy and Chandler's own testimony about the alleged sexual battery. All rights reserved. He had thought the night of the break downwas the weekend before that. Aside from filing the notice, Chandler provides no argument other than that the cases "may be relevant to the issues raised in this cause." This requires an independent review of the trial court's legal conclusions, while giving deference to the trial court's factual findings. 90.612(2), Fla. Stat. Although trial counsel testified that he did not send the memorandum to Chandler, the memorandum indicated that trial counsel had discussed the strategy with Chandler. The common thread in our Williams rule decisions has been that startling similarities in the facts of each crime and the uniqueness of modus operandi will determine the admissibility of collateral crime evidence. In Spencer v. State, 842 So.2d 52 (Fla. 2003), we recently explained: *1046 Id. This Court has never required the collateral crime to be absolutely identical to the crime charged. Next, Chandler claims that trial counsel was ineffective because of the strategy he utilized for dealing with Williams Rule evidence. Again, Blair could not convince Mottram to join them. Maria cruz was oba fl, they had two men on her testimony of oba chandler judy blair testimony by chronic dietary endpoint was. We have long held that prior consistent statements are generally inadmissible to corroborate or bolster a witness' trial testimony. Rodriguez v. State, 609 So.2d 493, 499 (Fla.1992); Jackson v. State, 498 So.2d 906, 909 (Fla.1986); Parker v. State, 476 So.2d 134, 137 (Fla.1985); Van Gallon v. State, 50 So.2d 882 (Fla.1951). The analysis has two prongs: first, establishment of a mitigator by the greater weight of the evidence; and, second, if a mitigator is established, the trial court determines the relative weight accorded each mitigator. Oba CHANDLER, Appellant, v. STATE of Florida, Appellee. Divorce filed Akron Common Pleas Court Page 5 of 11. . Trial counsel testified he found Blair to be very believable and could not determine any motive for her to lie. In Thompson, the primary similarities were that both victims were approximately the same age and build; both crimes occurred near a particular church parking lot; and the defendant was having domestic problems on both occasions. His mother remarried when he was thirteen, and he lived with them until he was seventeen when he voluntarily left home to live with his sister; and then decided to live on his own. 13. Later that same morning, at 9:52 a.m., Frances Watkins received a collect call from Gypsy One; the caller identified himself as Obie. Judy Mogul. Thus we reject Chandler's contention that since defense counsel did not go into greater detail about what that favorable evidence would be, we should vacate his sentences and thereby ignore the fact that the core requirement of Koon-knowing, intelligent, and voluntary waiver in open court-was clearly met in this case. Ineffective assistance of counsel claims present a mixed question of law and fact subject to plenary review based on the Strickland test. The test of inadmissibility is a lack of relevancy. Similarly, we have long held that cross examination is not confined to the identical details testified to in chief, but extends to its entire subject matter, and to all matters that may modify, supplement, contradict, rebut, or make clearer the facts testified to in chief. Geralds v. State, 674 So.2d 96, 99 (Fla.1996) (quoting Coco v. State, 62 So.2d 892, 895 (Fla.1953)); Coxwell v. State, 361 So.2d 148, 151 (Fla.1978) (same). Judy Blair and her friend, Barbara Mottram, both Canadian tourists, testified regarding Chandler's rape of Blair several weeks prior to the Rogers' murders. [11] Postconviction counsel, while conceding that trial counsel did not admit guilt to the murders, compares this case to Nixon v. Singletary, 758 So.2d 618 (Fla.2000), wherein the Court held that defense counsel must have defendant's consent before counsel can make a tactical decision to admit guilt of murder during the guilt phase of a trial in an effort to persuade the jury to spare defendant's life during the penalty phase. See Chandler v. Florida, 523 U.S. 1083, 118 S.Ct. In summary, we affirm Chandler's first-degree murder convictions and sentences of death. Despite Blair's refusals and attempts to resist him, Chandler raped her. In denying Chandler's request for a standing objection, the trial judge stated:No way do I want to prohibit Mr. Chandler from testifying before this jury. 400 So.2d at 1219. The indictment in this case alleged that the murders occurred in either Pinellas County or Hillsborough County, Florida. [4] We address each of these issues in turn. Chandler, 702 So.2d at 191 n. 5. Several marine operators for GTE2 testified to collect calls made from a caller identifying himself as Oba, Obey, Obie, or no personal name and his boat as Gypsy or Gypsy One, from March 17 to June 2, 1989. Geralds. Select Page. And, again, I ask you to keep that separate." Therefore, this was a legitimate subject of inquiry for the State in cross-examining Chandler as it attempted to cast doubt on his defense and undermine his credibility as a witness. Arthur Wayne Stephenson shared a cell with Chandler for ten days in late October 1992. Charles J. Crist, Jr., Attorney General, and Candance M. Sabella, Senior Assistant Attorney General, Tampa, FL, for Appellee. Chandler: I went to the motel, checked in, give her a call. 848 So. [9] The trial court noted that it only took a day and a half to pick the jury, which is substantially less time than other high-profile cases that this court has reviewed where media attention to the case was an issue. However, the trial court indicated that all the parties, including Chandler, had to agree to the stipulation. In effect, trial counsel did concede Chandler's guilt in the Blair case. One week later, housekeepers notified the general manager that the Rogers' room had not been inhabited for several days. Robert Carlton testified that he bought a blue and white boat from Chandler in July or August 1989. See 90.801(2)(b), Fla. Stat. Oba Chandler, a prisoner under sentence of death, appeals the trial court's denial of his motion for postconviction relief pursuant to Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.850. See, e.g., Harvey v. Dugger, 656 So.2d 1253, 1256 (Fla.1995) (holding that claims that could have been brought in direct appeal were procedurally barred from being brought in postconviction proceedings); Swafford v. Dugger, 569 So.2d 1264, 1267 (Fla.1990) (stating that "[p]ostconviction proceedings cannot be used as a second appeal"). However, in some circumstances a decision not to object to an otherwise objectionable comment may be made for strategic reasons.[20]. After the hearing, the trial court entered an order explaining the stipulation and stating that the parties and Chandler had agreed to the stipulation. Trial counsel testified at the evidentiary hearing that if he had not been able to select a jury in Orange County, he would have moved for a change of venue at that point.[7]. Chandler, 702 So.2d at 192-97. For example, the most significant difference between the two crimes-that Roark was murdered while Corolis was not-seems to be more of a fortuitous circumstance than a reflection of Gore's intent in the Corolis crime, since he beat her, stabbed her, and left her for dead in an isolated area. Chandler maintained that he never saw any of the Rogers family again after this short encounter and adamantly denied killing them. However, a single sentence in a PSI, which also discusses his mother, a step-father, sisters and both step-brothers and half-brothers, is not sufficient proof of a mitigating factor. Pursuant to a new law, the trial court had the option of picking a jury from another county and bringing the jurors to Pinellas County for the trial. Make an Appointment. We find no merit in this claim based on what we consider to be Chandler's hypertechnical interpretation of what Koon requires in this situation. The next day, Blair told Mottram what happened and reported the rape to the police. [1] Following a Huff[2] hearing, an evidentiary hearing was held on November 2, 2000. See Rolling v. State, 695 So.2d 278 (Fla.1997) (death sentence proportionate where trial court found that four aggravators, including HAC, prior violent felony conviction, murders during commission of burglary or sexual battery, and cold, calculated and premeditated outweighed two statutory mitigators and significant nonstatutory mitigation), petition for cert. In Dabney v. State, 119 Fla. 341, 161 So. Id. The next day a penalty phase proceeding was held, and the jury unanimously recommended that Chandler be sentenced to death for each of the three murders. [12] Chandler had not been tried or convicted for the alleged sexual battery. Similarly, Rick Mays thought Chandler had committed the murders from the way he described how the police were looking for him as a murder suspect. Most of the prospective jurors who were questioned indicated that they had not heard about the case. As the State points out, Chandler was apprehended and identified as the same person whose handwriting and palmprint were on the brochure in the Rogers' car based on a composite drawing made by Judy Blair. Blake Leslie, an inmate at the Pinellas County Jail with Chandler in the fall of 1992, testified that Chandler told him that he took a young lady from another country for a ride in his boat. Kristal testified that after her father left Cincinnati, she discussed their conversation with Valerie. While waiting for his friend at a convenience store, Gore struck up a conversation with Roark. Soraya Butler, Elizabeth Beiro, Carl Voeller, and Frances Watkins. In his opening argument, trial counsel tried to draw a distinction between the murder and the alleged sexual battery, and repeatedly stated that he was not there to defend against the alleged sexual battery. Gore accompanied Roark to a party at the home of a friend of hers. Her office is not accepting new patients. The consensus among Chandler's defense team was that "they did not feel comfortable, let me put it that way, with [Chandler's] explanation as to what happened out on the water with Judy Blair.". Therefore, even if these statements were poorly expressed, they were not improper. 2052 ("A fair assessment of attorney performance requires that every effort be made to eliminate the distorting effects of hindsight, to reconstruct the circumstances of counsel's challenged conduct, and to evaluate the conduct from counsel's perspective at the time. 7162 Reading Rd Ste 400 Cincinnati, OH 45237. *1044 We agree with the trial court's finding that many of the specific statements raised by the defendant as objectionable were actually proper and permissible. Arens began the questioning as such: Mr. Arens: Kindly identify yourself by name and residence. 380 (1935), the Court stated: Id. V, 3(b)(1), Fla. Const. Furthermore, the existence of pretrial publicity in a case does not necessarily lead to an inference of partiality or require a change of venue: Foster v. State, 778 So.2d 906, 913 (Fla. 2000); see Rolling, 695 So.2d at 285. (Supp.1994). At the outset, we agree with the State that much of Chandler's claim that cross-examination impermissibly exceeded the scope of direct examination is procedurally barred since no contemporaneous objection was made. Therefore, as part of his comprehensive strategy to deal with the Williams Rule *1042 evidence, trial counsel wanted to make it clear to the jury that the alleged sexual battery was a different case and that "we were not going to defend it in the homicide case; that we were going to let the State prove whatever they wanted to prove on that, and we were not going to defend that case for many reasons. Corolis was a casual acquaintance of Gore's, whom she knew as Tony. In March of 1988, Gore called Corolis at her home and told her that his car had broken down and he needed a ride to it. However, at the Huff hearing, the trial court indicated that the parties could inquire of trial counsel as to any strategic decisions he made in not objecting to the prosecutor's closing arguments. The moon that hurts so ever is the unfairness of it. The Jan. 6 committee heard a third day of testimony Thursday as it sought to link former President Trump to the Capitol attack and his efforts to overturn the 2020 election results. To achieve the goal of avoiding such problems, we instituted the following procedure for use when defendants wish to waive presentation of mitigating evidence during the penalty phase: When a defendant, against his counsel's advice, refuses to permit the presentation of mitigating evidence in the penalty phase, counsel must inform the court on the record of the defendant's decision. V, 3(b)(1), Fla. Const. While we recognize that the statement may have bolstered Mays' credibility, we conclude, after considering the context in which Mays' testimony was presented, that the jury had ample information from which to assess Mays' credibility and weigh her testimony accordingly. We note that Mottram refused to go for a cruise not once, but twice. The calls were placed to a number registered to Debra Chandler, Chandler's wife. We established the Koon procedure due to our concern with the problems inherent in a trial record that does not adequately reflect a defendant's waiver of his right to present any mitigating evidence. 619 So.2d at 250. Although some of the descriptions by the prosecution may have been poorly chosen and more harsh than necessary, the statements were made in reference to defense claims that the prosecutor felt were legally or factually inaccurate or logically inconsistent. Gore had planned to travel to Florida with a friend from Cleveland. Hayes, 660 So.2d at 261 (second emphasis added) (citations omitted). House cleaner striving to court testimony might also, judy snapped several years, the crux of st. Judy Blair and her friend, Barbara Mottram, both Canadian tourists, testified regarding Chandler's rape of Blair several weeks prior to the Rogers' murders. Law Project, a federally-recognized 501(c)(3) non-profit. 15. See also Shere v. State, 579 So.2d 86, 90 (Fla.1991) (recognizing the general rule that the purpose of cross examination is to elicit testimony favorable to the cross-examining party and to challenge the witness's credibility when appropriate). what is virgo spirit animal. Trial counsel also stated, "in general I don't like to jump up all the time anyway. For example, the only similarity between the crimes in Drake was that the victims' hands were tied behind their backs and they had left a bar with the defendant. denied, 537 U.S. 1070, 123 S.Ct. As the parties note, we established the rule regarding admission of collateral crime evidence in Williams v. State, 110 So.2d 654 (Fla.1959), and enunciated the following standard for admitting such evidence: Our view of the proper rule simply is that relevant evidence will not be excluded merely because it relates to similar facts which point to the commission of a separate crime. The following morning, May 15, 1989, Mottram decided not to go out on Chandler's boat, so Blair met Chandler alone. The Defendant was only ten years old when his father committed suicide. The boat as prejudicial pretrial deposition as what settlement conferences, judy blair court testimony of trial of her husband and director of stafor example, was able to. Even though he did not concede guilt to the murders, given the similarities between the murders and the alleged sexual battery, trial counsel's decision should still be closely scrutinized. Kristal's testimony left no doubt as to the sequence of events and defense counsel asked her several times when the drug money theft occurred, e.g., [t]his incident occurred in October of 1990, right?, to which Kristal responded yes.. After they had driven around for several hours, Gore revealed a knife, gained control of the car, and drove to a partially wooded dumping area off a dirt road. James, 695 So.2d at 1235; Hartley v. State, 686 So.2d 1316 (Fla.1996), cert. Allen v. State, 662 So.2d 323, 328 (Fla.1995)(requiring contemporaneous objection and accompanying motion for mistrial to preserve allegedly improper prosecutorial comments for appellate review). After meeting the women at a convenience store, Chandler, who identified himself as "Dave," arranged to take them out on his boat the next day. Samuel McMullin, a fingerprint expert for the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Department, found Chandler's palm print on the brochure. Miss Holliday: Yes; I do. On September 29, 1994, Chandler was found guilty of all three counts of firstdegree murder. Waiver of Right to Present Mitigating Testimony. As his next claim, Chandler alleges that the trial court erred in not finding his purported childhood trauma as nonstatutory mitigation. *1033 Baya Harrison, Monticello, FL, for Appellant. In summing up his thoughts, trial counsel stated, "If they were ever going to make a mold of what the State wants to bring to court for a rape victim, that mold is going to be this lady. 494 So.2d at 204. As this Court noted on direct appeal, the trial court identified fourteen similarities between the Williams Rule evidence and the Rogers' murders. Because the trial court did not hold an evidentiary hearing on the amount of pretrial publicity, the only information in this record regarding the extent and nature of pretrial publicity comes in the way of the supplemental record, which includes the report prepared by Chandler's media expert. The improper admission of prior consistent statements is also subject to harmless error analysis. Court: And it is your decision that you have instructed your lawyer not to call these people. Having made this choice, he must suffer its natural consequences. Although cross-examination is generally limited to the scope of the direct examination, the credibility of the witness is always a proper subject of cross-examination. Moreover, we find that defense counsel complied with his duties under Koon by investigating Chandler's background, having witnesses ready and available to testify, and adequately outlining the favorable character evidence that Chandler's witnesses would have presented.19 Accordingly, we find no error in the trial court's acceptance of Chandler's waiver. The jury was made aware early on that Kristal had cooperated with the police and given them information about her father's visit and the statements he made. Stay up-to-date with how the law affects your life. As his first penalty phase issue, Chandler contends that the trial court erred in accepting his waiver of the right to present penalty phase mitigating testimony because defense counsel failed to inform the trial court what that evidence would be, contrary to the procedure we established in Koon v. Dugger, 619 So.2d 246 (Fla.1993). Blair had been with her friend . See Provenzano v. Dugger, 561 So.2d 541, 545 (Fla.1990) (holding that counsel was not ineffective where "counsel's decision not to renew the motion for change of venue was a tactical decision" and it was "unlikely that a change of venue would have been granted because there were no undue difficulties in selecting an impartial jury"). [1] The amended motion contained seven claims of ineffective assistance of counsel: (1) failure to prevent the prosecutor from making improper, prejudicial arguments to the jury; (2) ineffective assistance in dealing with the matter of venue; (3) failure to protect Chandler regarding the admission of evidence of a similar crime that was admitted pursuant to Williams v. State, 110 So.2d 654 (Fla.1959); (4) failure to protect the defendant from cross-examination regarding the similar crime evidence; (5) failure to investigate and present the defense that someone else had committed the homicides; (6) failure to investigate and present an expert witness to rebut the State's expert witness on boat fuel lines; and (7) counsel caused prejudicial statements regarding Chandler to be entered at trial. When asked about details surrounding the rape of Judy Blair, Chandler invoked his Fifth Amendment right to remain silent twenty-one times, although he did answer some questions regarding his perception of the link between the rape and the murders. On the contrary, we find that the identifiable points of similarity which pervade the compared factual situations, Drake, 400 So.2d at 1219, include chance encounters in public places with young female tourists to whom Chandler offered assistance; almost immediate offers of cruises on his boat; the same blue and white boat used for both crimes; a warm, non-threatening demeanor that convinced the eventual victims to accompany Chandler on his boat within twenty-four hours of meeting him; sexual motive with all victims stripped from the waist down; use or threatened use of duct tape; crimes occurring in large bodies of water under cover of darkness; murder committed or threatened; and commission of the crimes within a brief time frame seventeen to eighteen days of each other. Gore's fingerprint was found in the car, as well as a traffic ticket which had been issued to him while he was in Miami. 2052, 80 L.Ed.2d 674 (1984); *1036 see also Wike v. State, 813 So.2d 12, 17 (Fla.2002); Rutherford v. State, 727 So.2d 216, 219-20 (Fla.1998); Rose v. State, 675 So.2d 567, 569 (Fla.1996). [16] Chandler organizes the numerous allegedly improper comments into four broad categories: (1) improper comments on Chandler's exercise of his Fifth Amendment privilege regarding the alleged sexual battery; (2) improper attacks on defense counsel and his theory of the case; (3) improper statements of the prosecutor's personal opinions and beliefs; and (4) improper personal attacks on Chandler. Thus, while trial counsel's handling of this issue may have differed from collateral counsel, trial counsel's strategic decisions under these circumstances do not amount to ineffective assistance of counsel. At the evidentiary hearing, trial counsel testified at length about his perception of Blair's credibility and appearance. Sign up to receive the Free Law Project newsletter with tips and announcements. 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judy blair testimony transcript

judy blair testimony transcript