directed energy weapons on humans

The U.S. Army confirmed in June that it is accelerating efforts to field a directed-energy weapon prototype by 2022. DEWs send energy, instead of matter, toward a target, and can be separated into three types: laser weapons, particle-beam weapons, and high-power microwave (HPM) or ra-dio-frequency (RF) weapons. 1, 2018, available at <>. One of the most promising laser devices is the free-electron laser. [9], The ABL is a system that uses a megawatt chemical laser mounted on a modified Boeing 747 to shoot down theater ballistic missiles. A year later, testing showed that the ADS could produce effects at ranges beyond current small-arms range. [14]Press release, "Boeing Receives Aircraft for Laser Gunship Program," Boeing, January 23, 2006, at (March 15, 2006). As with all new weapons, the DOD General Counsel reviews each DEW for compliance with international and U.S. laws before the Pentagon is allowed to field it. Thermal blooming occurs in both charged and neutral particle beams, and occurs when particles bump into one another under the effects of thermal vibration, or bump into air molecules. As defined by Direct Energy Weapons Agency is any weapon, device or electronic that uses any kind of energy to disable, harass, assault, incapacitate another human being, an enemy's weapons, their equipment, hideouts, etc. They are well-suited to defending against threats such as missiles and artillery shells, which DEWs can shoot down in mid-flight. [79][80] However, this story is comprehensively denied by the crew members of STS-41-G and knowledgeable members of the US intelligence community. Development of the THEL began in 1996 as a joint program between the United States and Israel to develop a laser system capable of shooting down Katyusha rockets, artillery, and mortar shells. [8]"Mobile/Tactical High Energy Laser (M-THEL) Technology Demonstration Program.". It suggested that lasers, perhaps space-based X-ray lasers, could destroy ICBMs in flight. [26]David Ruppe, "Directed-Energy Weapons: Possible U.S. Use Against Iraq Could Threaten International Regimes," Global Security Newswire, at (March 15, 2006). This destroys the device but produces electrical pulses in the terawatt range-the equivalent of 10 to 1,000 lightning strikes. [27][28][29] The first use of directed-energy weapons in combat between military forces was claimed to have occurred in Libya in August 2019 by Turkey, which claimed to use the ALKA directed-energy weapon. Washington, DC 20319-5066. DE warfare is military action involving the use of DE weapons, devices, and countermeasures to either cause direct damage or destruction of adversary equipment, facilities, and personnel, or to determine, exploit, reduce, or prevent hostile use of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) through damage, destruction, and disruption.1. 12 Jen Judson, U.S. This article will examine answers to these questions. [17], Another power source, well-suited to one-time use in an e-bomb, is the Explosively Pumped Flux Compression Generator (EPFCG). DEW technology and its enabling infrastructure have matured to the point that DEWs can begin moving from the lab to the battlefield. This page was last edited on 21 February 2023, at 22:00. Millimeter waveband energy can penetrate human skin to a very shallow depth, heating the tissue below. The THEL system uses radar to detect and track incoming targets. Directed-Energy Weapons Programs A number of countries are investing in directed-energy weapons programs. While some uses may be illegal (e.g., targeting an unarmed civilian who in no way poses a threat), other uses are just as assuredly legal and legitimate. In early versions of laser weapons, the light was generated by chemical reactions. The distinction between them is the wavelength/frequency of the energy. Moreover, cheap countermeasures can be applied to existing missiles. 11 Megan Eckstein, Navy to Field High-Energy Laser Weapon, Laser Dazzler on Ships This Year as Development Continues, USNI News, May 30, 2019. This capability would be very useful at checkpoints or for stopping escaping vehicles. This technology delivers very high-frequency millimeter-wavelength electromagnetic rays that heat skin on contact, causing a painful burning sensation. This laser uses rings of magnetically confined electrons whirling at the speed of light to produce laser beams that can be tuned up and down the electromagnetic spectrum from microwaves to ultraviolet light. The effects can be latent, durable, highly disruptive and attribution is difficult. Directed energy is a breakthrough technology whose time has come. The brave men and women who confront dangerous threats across all physical domainsland, air, sea, and spaceneed nothing less than the worlds most promising new capabilities to protect U.S. national security. Reversing the order of events in retelling the story created a "tale" where tourists car engine stopped first and then were approached by a German soldier who told them that they had to wait. [71] The negative effects of the radiation poisoning and cancer would extend past the period of incarceration. For example, as mentioned earlier, directed energy weapons development can take advantage of progress being made in commercial industry around processors, power generation and management and even lasers subsystems themselves. Directed energy weapon could be responsible for auditory hallucinations, brain injuries. What are the challenges and next steps? Research was also conducted on a mobile version of the THEL called the MTEL. When these waves interact with a person, they pass through the skin and transfer energy to the water that lies just under the surface. These photons are all at the same wavelength and are coherent, meaning the crests and troughs of the light waves are all in lockstep. Electronic devices can be shielded by putting conductive metal cages around them; however, enough microwave energy may still get through the shielding to damage the device. The Soviet Union invested some effort in the development of ruby and carbon dioxide lasers as anti-ballistic missile systems, and later as a tracking and anti-satellite system. While they are both part of the electromagnetic spectrum, laser and microwave weapons operate very differently and have very different effects. However, British scientists calculated that the electronic systems of the time could not generate the power necessary for a "death ray," and research was redirected into early radar detection systems. (It had little detectable effect on malleable organs such as the heart, stomach and intestines.) [58] The hosts of MythBusters tackled the Mirrors of Archimedes three times (in episodes 19, 57 and 172) and were never able to make the target ship catch fire, declaring the myth busted three separate times. (Washington D.C.: Office of the Secretary of Defense, 2018). [24] Would the permanent blinding of a soldier struck by a ZM-87's laser beam be considered intentional or accidental? The system consists of several modules: an infrared detection system to detect the missile's launch; the Tracking Illumination Laser (TILL); the Beacon Illuminator Laser (BILL); and the Chemical Oxygen Iodine Laser (COIL). These devices have also been demonstrated to stall or damage car, truck, or boat motors. Semiconductors and modern electronics are particularly susceptible to HPM attacks. [5]Suzann Chapman, "The Airborne Laser," Air Force Magazine, Vol. [10]Press release, "Airborne Laser Progress Continues as Northrop Grumman Runs Full-Power COIL Tests, Delivers Beacon Illuminator Laser," Northrop Grumman Corporation, January 4, 2006, at (March 15, 2006). Directional sound. They can be very effective in causing pressurized vessels to explode such as missile propellant and oxidizer tanks. However, the Army felt the fixed-base laser system was too large and cut funding for the program after the demonstration phase. and This laser would be megawatt class and have a range of hundreds of miles. Today, Directed Energy weapons are being developed by the US and its adversaries for land, sea, and air and space applications. The THEL system uses radar to detect and track incoming targets. A high-voltage electrical charge is then fed into one of the laser beams, striking the target. -Alane Kochems is a Policy Analyst for National Security in the Douglas and Sarah Allison Center for Foreign Policy Studies, a division of the Kathryn and Shelby Cullom Davis Institute for International Studies, at The Heritage Foundation. But there is a rule of thumb that states that an interceptor needs to be capable of three times the speed of the target it is defending against to be able to maneuver to destroy it. One problem that affects laser beam strength is a phenomenon known as "blooming," which occurs when the laser beam heats the atmosphere through which it is passing, turning the air into plasma. Similar to the Armys RCCTO and the Navys Accelerated Acquisition (AA) Process, the Air Force is leveraging both Air Force Research Laboratorys DE Directorate and Air Force Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation Office to expedite delivery of capabilities to address key capability gaps identified in the DE flight plan: Forward Base Defense, Precision Strike, and Aircraft Self-Protect. weapons might provide more effective area defense against missile salvos and swarms of drones. These weapons were considered for both land and space-based systems. PRISM. DEW technology is changing faster than international laws and treaties can adapt. Space-based lasers would have a profound impact on the U.S. ability to defend and if necessary, fight in space. Energy that would otherwise be focused on the target spreads out and the beam becomes less effective: Plasma weapons fire a beam, bolt, or stream of plasma, which is an excited state of matter consisting of atomic electrons & nuclei and free electrons if ionized, or other particles if pinched. In 2010, the Airborne Laser shot down two missiles (both solid and liquid propelled) in their boost phase during flight testing which demonstrated the lethality of the laser against missile targets. In addition, the cost per shot of a directed energy weapons could be orders of magnitude less expensive than current kinetic weapons. Because of the strategic imperative to protect U.S. carrier battlegroups to enable us to project power, the U.S. Navy is following this prototyping effort with a much broader Navy Laser Family of Systems or NLFoS program, which will put the Navy on a path to develop and deploy lasers ranging from low power laser dazzlers to much higher power lasers capable of destroying anti-ship and high-speed cruise missiles. 7 David M. Sowders et al., High Power Microwave (HPM) and Ultrawideband (UWB): A Primer on High Power RF, PL-TR-95-1111, Special Report, Phillips Laboratory, March 1996, 76. High-power microwave (HPM) and high-power millimeter wave weapons emit beams of electromagnetic energy typically from about 10 megahertz to the 100 gigahertz frequency range. The pain forces the person to flee the area. [55] The power of the sound beam which LRADs produce is sufficient to penetrate vehicles and buildings while retaining a high degree of fidelity, so that verbal messages can be conveyed clearly in some situations. Laser light can be produced by a number of different methods, ranging from rods of chemically doped glass to energetic chemical reactions to semiconductors. The laser is being built and will be tested in mid-2006. Between 200005, a prototype chemical laser successfully destroyed 46 rockets, artillery shells and mortar rounds in flight during field tests. Albert Einstein described the theoretical underpinnings of lasers in 1917. The laser diodes, fiber amplifiers, battery and power management, thermal control, and optical systems are also much more advanced. A prototype ADS system mounted on a Humvee went into testing in August 2005. Most HPM systems are based on short pulses of radiofrequency (RF) energy, for which peak power is the important metric. They have strong physical and psychological effects and can be used for military and terrorist activities. However, no military has yet openly deployed HPM weapons. The electrical shock is enough to stun personnel, detonate improvised explosive devices, or destroy electronic equipment. [3]Richard M. Roberds, Ph.D., "Introducing the Particle-Beam Weapon," Air University Review, July-August 1984, at (March 15, 2006). "Mobile/Tactical High Energy Laser (M-THEL) Technology Demonstration Program," Defense Update, at (March 10, 2006). Weapons designed to cause undue suffering are banned under the Geneva Convention, and human rights groups argue that directed-energy weapons raise a host of new legal and moral concerns that do not apply to previous generations of conventional weapons. The ABL is a system that uses a megawatt chemical laser mounted on a modified Boeing 747 to shoot down theater ballistic missiles. The Pentagon believes that DEWs are legal under international law, but human rights groups are arguing that DEWs could be used inhumanely. Particle beams as beam weapons are theoretically possible, but practical weapons have not been demonstrated yet. The full system will be fitted to the aircraft by 2007 and test-fired against ground targets. For example, while the Chinese ZM-87 laser interference device is technically a laser dazzler, it can permanently damage the human eye at a distance of two to three kilometers. [48] [66], In 1973, New Scientist magazine reported that a sonic weapon known as a 'squawk box' underwent successful field trials in Northern Ireland, using soldiers as guinea pigs. One shortcoming of laser weapons is that their beams travel only in straight lines, which means they have no indirect-fire mode and cannot shoot beyond the system's visual horizon. Additional information on How Lasers Work, is available on the Lawrence Livermore National Lab website, . This destroys the device but produces electrical pulses in the terawatt range-the equivalent of 10 to 1,000 lightning strikes. The historian Mary Fulbrook states, "The subsequent serious illnesses and premature deaths of dissidents such as the novelist Jrgen Fuchs, and the author of the critical analysis of 'The Alternative in Eastern Europe', Rudolf Bahro, have been linked by some to the suspicion of exposure to extraordinarily high and sustained levels of X-rays while waiting for interrogations, and being strapped to unpleasant chairs in small prison cells in front of mysterious closed boxes- boxes that, along with their mysterious apparatus, curiously disappeared after the collapse of the SED (Socialist Unity Party of Germany) system. The Army used Navy-, and Air Force- developed HPM weapons during recent conflicts to counter improvised explosive devices (IEDs). This produces a burning pain without actually damaging the tissue. Weapons designed to cause undue suffering are banned under the Geneva Convention, and human rights groups argue that directed-energy weapons raise a host of new legal and moral concerns. Turning to the air, the United States spent billions of dollars to develop and deploy stealth technology for its fighters and bombers to avoid radar detection and being targeted by surface to air missiles. For example, when deployed, the anti-ballistic missile Airborne Laser will cost approximately $1,000 per shot,[5] while each Patriot missile currently costs $2 million to $3 million. Today, solid state electrical (including fiber) and hybrid lasers are being developed that are much lighter and smaller. PRISM Vol. They built an electron accelerator called Rheotron to generate hard X-ray synchrotron beams for the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM). '' Mobile/Tactical High energy laser ( M-THEL ) technology Demonstration Program. `` hard synchrotron... 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directed energy weapons on humans

directed energy weapons on humans