bob curtis treasure hunter dead

Years after his disappearance, he was assumed to be dead. I tried not to think about it as I descended the first sixty-foot shaft with a bamboo ladder that afforded my already wet and slippery wellies only about three inches of grip before my toes became jammed against the edge of the tunnel. Japan probably had no surplus from any foreign plundering, and it made no sense to send anything valuable to the Philippines where they knew it was soon going to fall into American hands. He had a copper mining company and also staked a claim on plots of land that he used to mine gold. But there was more. 0000001826 00000 n Andrew Gough. Out of that inquisition Cathcart identified a number of people, still living, who might validate Roxass story, and his team pursued them with vivacity. Fineman, M. "Japanese War Loot Sought: Gold Diggers May Help Manila Pay Off Huge Debt." McDougald, who has lived here for more than a decade and secured his doctorate in business from the University of the Philippines in 1983, is not the moving force behind the dig. Work was frantic and I soon lost touch with the Seagraves. At a depth of approximately two hundred and twenty-five feet the Japanese had created the largest and most valuable treasure vaults. He wrote that he would leave all his money to someone who could prove the existence of the human soul. A powerful, all-purpose line that hit the sweet spot of subversive clichs, it made speakers appear smarter than they are. With a fragile intonation in her voice she recounted the story of her husbands last days. In 2015, IBM UK had their annual kick-off meeting in Los Angeles, and so I took the opportunity to visit Amelia. I was frustrated. Robert Curtis had paid a very high price for becoming involved in gold recoveries with Ferdinand Marcos, but he was stubborn, and he still had the only copies of the full set of Japanese treasure maps to have surfaced since the war. International Precious Metals already has spent $40,000 on its hunt, McDougald revealed. One of the five was Robert Curtis, who now heads the Las Vegas company, McDougald said. Marcos had whet his now insatiable appetite for gold and the riches and power that it brought. Literally, out from the shadows, another treasure hunter emerged and interrupted, asking, Did I hear you say that you have found leaves in the tunnel? His efforts proved fruitless, however, and Fuchigami became despondent about the fact that he could not locate the tunnel system that his father had shown him as a child, even with a map. Andrew Gough. He was now finding leaves in the tunnel backfill; actual leaves from a Streblus asper tree, known in the Philippines as bogtalay, that had been placed in the German cement as the Japanese backfilled the tunnels. McSherry left Dametz and found his own sandpit about 45 meters (150 ft) away. Understandably, they had become discouraged and had run out of funds. How exciting is that?, Klaus posing with a Japanese treasure symbol, a heart, which he found in a backfilled treasure tunnel Roxas was convinced there was treasure buried around the Baguio Hospital, but was unsure exactly where to look. This show is made possible by financial support from listeners like you. The sheer brutality of the working conditions is what struck me the most; the small, incremental gains that each day brought; hand and chisel, hauling rubble from the reclaimed tunnel backfill back up to the top. The audacious treasure hunter would not stand a chance against the might of Ferdinand Marcos, he thought. The driver proceeded to peer out of the passenger-side window, as if he was trying to confirm their identity. Random encounter with treasure hunter. I hung on for dear life as I precariously wrapped my 6 5 frame around the back of the passenger seat while Klaus rode shotgun. I was also disappointed to learn that the History Channel had made a reality TV series about a team of questers seeking Japanese treasure in the Philippines, after every channel and production house informed me it was a bad idea. Klaus demonstrating the art of dowsing I wondered if he was employed by the same people that had assassinated Roxas? Jim Hawkins, the protagonist of Robert Louis Stevenson 's 1881 novel, Treasure Island. I go deep underground in an effort to try and find out What could go wrong? Is that really necessary? About a month after my return I opened WhatsApp on my iPhone and discovered a message from Roger Roxass daughter, whom I had visited in the States a few years earlier, but who I had not spoken with for some time. The incredibly ambitious, albeit cruel, initiative was overseen by Japanese princes, most notably Yasuhito, Prince Chichibu, the brother of Emperor Hirohito. I will always appreciate your sacrifice. While in Los Angeles I also met with Dan Cathcart, the lawyer who had famously represented Roxas in the Supreme Court and had heroically won the case over Ferdinand Marcos. Fair enough. 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I went for a walk around campus and when I returned the production manager politely asked me to join them, as they were about to begin, and so I did. This would prove to be a catastrophic mistake. Out of fear that the maps would be stolen, or thrown out by the cleaning crew, Curtis photographed each one and burned the originals. The incident became known as the Golden Buddha Affair. His bizarre and frightening experience lasted mere seconds. General MacArthur returns to the Philippines, General MacArthur inspecting the looted gold. 0000006813 00000 n Klaus extended his elbows and fixed his clenched fists against his chest. I didn't wana lose the map so I quickly hogtied the npc and stole the map. Olof testified that he too had been to President Marcoss summer palace and had examined the golden buddha, and confirmed that it was the one in Cheathams photo. But it never works out that way. For the most part the program was the story of Roger Roxas, the Filipino locksmith who discovered a golden buddha and, allegedly, an enormous chamber full of gold bullion (both of which were later stolen by Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos), only to have the US Supreme court demand that Roxas be awarded what amounted to the largest civil settlement in history: US$22 billion. This included dismissing cyanide as a poison that can travel through the air, and numerous character attacks on Seagrave and Curtis. I examined it closely. Seagrave stressed that I should proceed with caution, for the story was taboo and highly dangerous. Poster of the fake golden buddha (from the Roxas Museum in Baguio) On the taxi ride home I unexpectedly wept for the cobra. Explaining how the fatal cave-in happened, McDougald began to sound as if he was talking about the Temple of Doom, as well as looking the part. How could he not get discouraged? "Searching for the lost treasure of Yamashita." Presenting on The Truth about Yamashitas Gold. In a now infamous moment of stubborn, albeit courageous, resolve Roxas returned to Baguio, and in the presence of lawyers and the media, defiantly proclaimed the golden buddha to be a fake. I was later told he had decided he did not like me before we ever met. Like myself, Klaus had spent a lifetime in the corporate world, and once served as the Marketing Manager for the Vienna Tourism Board to Southeast Asia. After all, that was why we were there. Whilst on trial, General Yamashita defended the charges of war crimes that were levelled against him: My command was as big as MacArthurs or Lord Louis Mountbattens. Klaus had nailed it. I could do that, I thought. Andrew Gough. Allan Quatermain, a hunter and adventurer, the protagonist of H. Rider Haggard 's 1885 novel King Solomon's Mines. It detailed the work he had done in the Philippines as part of a team led by Nevada treasure hunter Robert H. Curtis. Within hours of the news becoming public, the Philippine Senate adopted a resolution urging Aquino to bar foreigners from hunting for treasure in the Philippines. Once European settlers started showing up to hunt for gold, the Naha mysteriously disappeared. They received permission and resumed digging, attributing their failure to rediscover the fabulous treasure room to booby traps. While he kept an active presence on the speaker circuit, he flat-out refused to appear in the usual history/mystery TV shows, claiming that they were not serious enough. My interest in the story had been rejuvenated, albeit under the most peculiar of circumstances. 0000004492 00000 n Regarding the claimed gold buried in the Philippines, the fact that not a single piece has ever been found is exactly in line with our expectations. Thats incredible, but tell me more. The charges are completely new to me. After her second NDE she began to have prophetic dreams, and claims to have been in regular contact with the spirit world. Despite the impressive testimonials, I smelled a rat. Honolulu: Supreme Court of Hawaii, 1988. As I was banned from listening to the conventional historian do this thing, I became more convinced than ever that the director was orchestrating a hatchet job for the two-hour season premiere of the show. In the Philippines treasure reclamation requires a permit that entitles the government to 30% of the findings. Despite his altruistic intentions (ie not wanting to risk more of the team getting injured than was necessary), this approach would prove fatal, as he did not do a very good job, and Klaus would have to reshoot the tunnel footage himself, weeks later, and with far inferior equipment. Andrew Gough. The Skeptoid weekly science podcast is a free public service from Skeptoid Media, a 501(c)(3) educational nonprofit. He was there as the Imperial Japanese army ransacked much of China and southeast Asia, and he was there for the duration of World War II; and he grew up knowing little about the Japanese besides that they were the world's aggressors, and the brutal assailants of a peaceful people. He also learned the secret language of the Japanese Shinto priests, who left clues symbols in the landscape, and in the ground. Best known as lyricist for some of the best known Jerry Garcia / Grateful Dead songs and his various collaborations with Bob Dylan. It felt like a flamethrower had pierced my stomach and opened me up below my navel. Although Roxas had been defeated, he had protected his secret longer than anyone could have reasonably expected him to. After some diligent detective work Cathcarts team discovered Cheatham working as a night-time security guard in a Las Vegas hotel. I know nothing, he said humbly. But Japan needed that money badly to pay for its war effort; it would not have converted it to gold bars and sent it away to be buried. I was particularly intrigued with a photo Klaus shared of a cement doorway that he had arrived at in one of his tunnel complexes, and was anxious to inspect it in person. Yes, thats correct, Klaus replied pensively. They brought dogs and donkeys to help carry their supplies. However, the legal fees and the cost of the trials ate up so much cash that only $175,000 remained. 0000005640 00000 n What is that, I asked. His father was a well-known frontier doctor and surgeon in Burma, himself the son of third-generation missionaries in Burma. He said that Roger only came out of hiding in 1988, shortly after President Marcos had fled to Hawaii while under house arrest. He left Colorado in search of the lost gold mine in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona. I scaled the second descending passage with slightly greater confidence and speed than the first, and as I arrived at the bottom and crept along the next tunnel passage to where Klaus was standing, I was amazed to see that the floor and walls were perfectly smooth. Roxas was shown a search warrant with Pios signature that mentioned something about illegal possession of firearms. All six bullets had apparently been fired at whoever or whatever had killed him.[2]. In reviewing their 2003 book, he wrote: The Seagraves are not fully reliable as historians. Hours later, on the plane back to London, my brain was in overdrive. I watched a rough cut of the episode and was relieved that Burgess had salvaged it with his skillful editing, and that the tone was objective. I watched the show and their drive-by shooting approach to treasure hunting with dread. Eventually, Valmores tired of making the journey and brought all but three of the one hundred and seventy-five treasure maps to Curtis. Before hiking the final mile to the site, I was introduced to the caretaker of the land. While he was talking a hostile player started attacking me, which caused the npc to run away. I stuffed a generous amount of notes into a contribution vase, said goodbye to Klaus and headed for the airport, via a cobra farm. 0000010608 00000 n It does not need to be any wider, Klaus added authoritatively. The award was later substantially reduced and nothing was ever collected. We ascended the tunnel system and on the surface above Klaus performed a master class in dowsing. I was fitted with wellies, an old helmet and a rusty harness that consisted of a single metal hook that latched onto a solitary harness strap on my back. The organisation was named Kin no yuri, meaning Golden Lily, the name of a poem written by the Emperor. The Cultural Committee is investigating whether the search should continue. Podcast transcript | Subscribe. He remembered being perturbed, and as he swivelled his chair to take a seat at his desk, he noticed the GBC flyer was still in the rubbish bin. Ken Cheatham with Roger Roxas and the golden buddha. You could smell it respectfully, both literally and figuratively. This is something I was told had happened to other treasure hunters as well. Conventional military site treasure symbols. One day he was approached by two men representing Josefa Edralin Marcos, who offered to return a replica of the golden buddha and pay Marcos three million pesos if he publicly acknowledged that their buddha was the one that had been confiscated. Further disappointment ensued when Bruce was no longer able to travel to the Philippines to direct the episode. Imelda Marcoss mother had been a big fan of the healer. By the time I arrived at the next bamboo ladder my knees were cut and bleeding. Much to his surprise, and with no background or training in the discipline, Klaus achieved instant success. The director was oblivious. Amelia with me at Soho House, Los Angeles Andrew Gough. Treasure hunting has been big business in the Philippines since the end of World War II, when former Japanese Lt. Gen. Tomoyuki Yamashita was captured and hanged in Manila. Marcoss men took Roxas back to Baguio and photographed him with the bogus buddha. The sudden, tragic death of Roxas overshadowed the trial, but did not negatively impact the outcome. Roxas reported the incident to the police, who predictably ignored his pleas. Andrew Gough. If you like this programming, please become a member. The book is full of errors that could easily be corrected by a second-year student of the language Another author, Donald Gillin, felt compelled to devote an entire book to debunking the Seagraves' version of history. Twice a day I climb into each of the sites that we are excavating to check for cyanide, he added in his authoritative Austrian accent. Klaus leading me through the cobra-infested rice paddies or. Anderson reported that Curtis group supplied the maps, which marked an estimated $100 billion in treasure, to Marcos, who used the group to track and recover about $14 billion. Roxas informed her that Marcoss air-conditioned burial crypt in the Philippines, at the Ferdinand E Marcos Presidential Center in Batac, Ilocos Norte (which was secured twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week by arm guards), contained a fake corpse full of precious stones and diamonds. Whatever they did plunder had likely been well spent building the Imperial Navy well before the end of the war. Twenty percent of the men who moved to California during the Gold Rush died from diseases like cholera within six months of their arrival. She gave the pills to her husband, who took them and swiftly died. The other reason the treasure failed to reach home was the Japanese criminal underworld, and the immensely clever and powerful people who were its patrons. However, it was not until she had purchased a third new car that the authorities became suspicious, and she swiftly fled, never to be heard of again. For years, 35-year-old Jesse Capen was obsessed with the legend of the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine. As he detailed the story of how he first became embroiled with Roxas, his manner and cadence reminded me of Jimmy Stewart, or Tom Hanks. I was riveted as Cathcart recalled that tragic day and was leaning forward in anticipation as he spoke, when suddenly his carer abruptly corrected him and blurted out facts about the case that I found startling and incongruous from a healthcare professional who had claimed to know nothing about the affair. Tunnels filled with a foot of water See Photos. It simply stood tall and proud and stared at me, gently nodding its head as though it had understood and had accepted its fate. Together they wrote a number of books on Asian histories which purported to be nonfiction, most of which portrayed either the CIA or Japanese figures as the villain, and all of which expressed a deep suspicion of all things Western and Japanese. In hindsight, I concluded that I had overstated my projected return on investment even though I knew it was real, and that it must have sounded outrageous and not very credible. After some time she purchased a new home for her parents and one for herself. The relationship would end badly. Before he died, Sterling Seagraves participated in Internet forums where he told increasingly unbelievable stories about many people he knew being murdered by the CIA with all sorts of exotic spy weapons "snuffed" was the term he always used. Unfortunately they lost that war and lost the Philippines, and thus never recovered the gold. He quickly set out to tell his own story, one that did not follow the agreed storyline. I am sorry that you must die for me, I repeated, over and over. Andrew Gough. The doomed engineers had installed booby traps at each of the one hundred and seventy-five treasure sites either explosives and/or cyanide. While Santy had resorted to torture, Lansdale offered Major Kojima a lifeline he proposed a share of the treasure if he showed the Americans where the Japanese had hidden the gold, and within weeks Major Kojima led Santy and Lansdale to a dozen easily accessible treasure sites in and around Manila. Bob Curtis. They were not going to give up their secrets to a production team with hi-tech equipment and a $1 million an episode budget, who were on location for a week to excavate. But how? It was not a sense of being claustrophobic. It was hardly secure. Roxas was cautious of Oihara and his fascination with the golden buddhas neck. The treasure vaults that Major Kojima had shown Santy were not only the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the Japanese had hidden in the Philippines, they also represented a relatively small portion of the overall war booty that had yet to reach Japan. Still, I was excited to see Klaus again and to inspect some other treasure sites that I had been tracking for some time. The healer, operating with nothing but his fingers You climb down and back up each of these sites twice a day? I asked in disbelief. There was more, but as I have signed a non-disclosure agreement, I will refrain from commenting further. Andrew Gough. Andrew Gough. Bob Curtis. When his sister learned of his tantrum she became enraged, for she understood that the map was designed to be read with the reflection of a mirror, a detail she would have shared with her brother had she known he was actively seeking the treasure. In 1975, Marcos turned to an American mining engineer named Robert Curtis. Looking slightly perilous at the bottom of the tunnel system with Klaus Without an engineering map you would never be able to find your way through the twists and turns without activating them. I need your help.. Still, this was easier than hiking through the thick underbrush. Andrew Gough. Families of the victims pleaded with the governor of the local area to do something. After Marcos was deposed in 1986, Curtis and McDougald lobbied the new government of Corazn Aquino that allowing them to find the gold would be a great way to pay off the Philippines' debt. Andrew Gough. While in Baguio, Valmores pulled out a map of the hospital treasure complex from his secret portfolio and handed it to Roxas. The director trying to get the old woman to recapture on camera what she had said off camera. Andrew Gough, A leaf of the bogtalay tree The Japanese strategy was two-fold: strip the East of their cultural identity, while returning priceless treasures back to Japan to fund their military, political and economic world dominance for the next thousand years. The process was known as sanctifying, and via a series of chance encounters Marcos was led to the American metallurgist, Robert Curtis. For the Ft. Santiago dig is just one of the many treasure hunts now being conducted in the Philippines, as the government increasingly hopes to save its moribund economy through archeology as well as increased productivity. Intriguingly, Santy introduced Marcos to Imelda, and once dated the former beauty queen back in the day. Posing in front of the replica gold bars that Roger Roxas discovered Regarding the Black Eagle Trust Fund, evidence also fails to show that any such program existed with that name but I'm not pointing a finger at anyone for making it up out of nothing. 0000000796 00000 n Lets put it this way, McDougald said. I was still processing the trip and trying to find a balanced view on it all. Its a known Japanese symbol that means the seeker is going to love what is below, he added in his hypnotic Austrian drawl. Roxas was determined to get it out of the chamber as fast as he could, but even with a group of strong young men they struggled to extract it, until finally applying a technique involving rolling logs and rope. When Marcos discovered that the photo had been widely published he made the CIA pressure Cheatham into signing an affidavit certifying that the golden buddha was not gold, or else face certain death in Vietnam. 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bob curtis treasure hunter dead

bob curtis treasure hunter dead