simparica trio for dogs side effects

Gave my 3 month old, 3 pound shih tzu simparica on Sunday night. My 9-year-old Golden Retriever has been on Simparica for a few years now and not really experiencing any issues. Simparica is approved for dogs and puppies weighing more than 2.8 pounds and over 6 months of age. She had the treatment yesterday and seemed ok. 13 March he is also very lethargic and sitll not eating (even his favorite treats). Same here! Wont use again. Both of them aren't eating like they were. Will this ever get better as the med wears down? Humans can get infected with certain intestinal parasites, and fleas sometimes bite people. Again our dog had a major seizure in January and we searched for a neurologist ear by. Hello! Sunday I started watching how much water he was drinking feeling bad that I was restricting him, so I made sure to take him out to pee every few hours. Side effects of Simparica Trio observed in safety and effectiveness studies included vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, anorexia, otitis externa (ear infection), pruritus (itching . I need to tell my vet to switch! I've spoken to emergency vets and they say they are booked solid and that I need to just monitor her through the night. Really? After the ER visit and a visit with our regular vet today, they concluded he is having neurological issues and that is why he cannot walk. Anything with tick prevention is in the same class of drugs. Also feed bland diet- rice, ground beef, chicken, cottage cheese. Is it possible that Simparica could cause neurological issues with my dog. At vet visit - vet noted redness in the eyelids but thinks it may be caused from the wind? The vet suggested this medication for my 9+ yr old English Bulldog. I should have kept with my gut feeling about any of these oral meds. She hasnt eaten in 3 days and is unable to go up 2 simple steps. Simparica Trio is intended for dogs and puppies weighing more than 2.8 pounds and older than 8 weeks of age. Vet took blood yesterday should get results today. We have never had issues with him peeing in the house - EVER, and he peed in my office. A week and a half from taking the drug, he is still on 3 meds, taking fluids and starting to gain strength and eat food and drink water in very small amounts. This was January 15 of 2020. Do you think that Simparica could cause excessive licking by my dog. I gave it to her then I looked at the box that said never tested on pregnant dogs . My vet is aware of this and prescribed simparica. I'm so sorry. Overly anxious. I am currently in the same situation and we are at day 16 after giving simparica. Manufactured by Zoetis, Simparica Trio contains three drugs: sarolaner, moxidectin, and pyrantel pamoate. In isolated cases, however, dogs displayed more serious reactions such as tremors, muscle twitching, and seizures. UPDATE We had one normal day on Friday. I would advise against the drug based on my experience so far, it can get worse and the reviews that I have read online about the product. Did you go to the vets or not? Vet suggested that I switch to Simparica Trio (he gets a kickback from the manufacturer). i know this med did this to her , she was on for a year and half , i should never ever have listened to the vet and went with my gut, but again they assured me since she was healthy be very rare she would have side effects smdh and plus been in contract with the makers of this horrible medication they all should be ashamed of themselves!!!!!!!!!!! He is not the same puppy prior to two days ago! Will NEVER give this to my dog again. It went away. I thought maybe my dog had a bladder infection or got into something that upset her gut. Those jaw spasms have decreased but were pretty alarming in Dec and January. But he still is suffering from lethargy, polyuria and polydispia basically still drinks and pees non stop. If not, we had some success with symptom management using Prednisone. There is a possibility it isn't the cause, but it is the only reason I can find and it aligns with the stories of others. Some dogs improve, some don't, not a clear answer why. I hope for all of you that your pets (loved ones) have improved, I know the feeling of total helplessness to help them and all you can do is wait and hope. Simparica Trio should be given orally once a month at the recommended minimum doses: 0.54 milligrams of sarolaner, 0.011 mlilligrams of moxidectin, and 2.27 milligrams of pyrantel per pound of body weight. He is 80% its been 27 days since 2nd dose of Simparico.hoping we turned the corner! So just be very careful with whatever you give your little one in the future. It went away, I thought the diarrhea was from some of the junk she eats off of the ground. I had placed an order with Pet Meds for the prescription before I saw any of these side effects.I will be returning this medication and order Heartgard and not sure what we will do for flea and ticks, since he turns his nos Simparica Trio, e to the Nexgard and we really dont feel safe with our Grandson around the topical or collarAny suggestions? He seemed okay with his next dose January 1, so we renewed the prescription, and I gave him the February dose too. Other signs may include: Lethargy Loss of appetite I am trying to remain confident that my poor girl will recover. She would constantly twirl in left circles. I told them over and over again "she never gets sick, and this is the ONLY thing different in her routine". Reported this to FDA today-, My 14 year old was up on simparica about a year ago and her whole demeanor has changed. Has odd agitated swallowing when not eating anything. Lost his appetite & was low on energy all day yesterday, slept most of the day - which is very unusual for him. I went home and somthing didn't feel right, but I read the leaflet and it said no known side effects. Hi how is your pup now? I am keeping a close eye on her and will take her to the vet if she hasnt improved by tonight. They said , he has a Autoimmune Hemolytic anemia . Our vet pushed this new drug for this tick season claiming the drug we used previously they had 11 dogs in the previous year were diagnosed with Lyme disease and they no longer had confidence in that drug. Side effects are rare and may include: Vomiting Lethargy Diarrhea Loss of appetite Neurologic side effects have been seen after using medications in this class of drugs. In our case the damage was permanent. Zoetis claims it will be out of his system in two months and I should not see lasting effects, so I am hopeful but worried and telling everyone I know NOT to use this poison. Im wondering if after it is out of his system or have I now poisoned my baby where he might have a seizure disorder for the rest of his life. It was 11:30 pm . Even when asked to go for a car ride he didn't respond. And urinating more often as a result. Hi, Im having similar issues. I'm besides myself. Stopped meds and he has had 3 more seizures since. I started thinking about his history. Today shes acting better, finally, but her back legs are still collapsing and she is weak. They don't really have an answer for why this happens at all, or why some dogs get better and some don't. How can you give a dog a pesticide to ingest. Naturally, I want to make sure that she never has to go through that again. I am going to try stopping the medication for a month to see if things improve. Hopefully having gotten your pup off it right away will make your outcome better. Was at the doctors 2 days ago for an emergency appointment. No more of this poison for him. He is sometimes picky with his food, so I mixed in some green beans, etc but he stopped eating anything and had bright orange diarrhea by the 31st. Banfield Hospital pushed" Simparica Trio" on our 16 year old Toy Poodle which caused a neurological disorder of sundowner to the point of him having two days straight of constant seizures, repetitive pacing and extreme agitation. I've read that simparica takes 35 days to get out of their system. I just wish I could find a vet who honestly loves my animals as much as I do. If anyone has discovered what can help please let me know. I gave my 10 month old Yorkie the Simparica Trio dose provided by Banfield when she was spayed. Seems like it was directly related to the medication. I gave this for the first time to my hound and about 3 hours later, she was very unsteady on her feet, eyes half shut and then had 4 episodes of breathing rapidly that each lasted 30 seconds or so and all happened within a 30 minute period. Coton de Tulear. Simparica is pretty new in England and it seems they are trialling it. From classic to celeb-inspired and funny to food-based, this list of cute cat names is sure to inspire your naming adventures. But I have heard of other dogs who recover, or who continue having seizures but not fatal. If she recovers, cause is the Simparica. It started working on him right away, Diarrhea. My precious rescue has been sick twice, currently on her second episode. I guarantee he will not take this trash again. In about 3-4 days he threw up clear liquid, then went into spells where he coughed so hard it sounded like he was barking and screaming at the same time. Plan to take him to see the vet tomorrow. I have to turn him around and lead him away. Is your puppy better now and how long did his symptoms last for? 300+ Cute Cat Names for Every Kind of Kitty. By the evening she lost the use of her hind legs. I wish I could get it out of her system. Stay safe! My 3 other poodles unaffected. If fact it specifically states on the product label "Not for use in humans". Simparica can't be used on younger dogs or lactating dogs whereas Revolution can. I realized he had no control over his body . This month 5/1 gave him another dose and here we are 12 days later with diarrhea and no appetite. Gave our 23 month old Black Lab. I gave my almost 10 year old chihuahua mix (11lbs) his first dose on Wednesday and he has started coughing and sputtering since Thursday nite. She has been diagnosed with thyroid problems and myocarditis. Were now into day 2 no changes except add a continuous walking into the next room turn around come back sit down just to repeat several more times. Thirst and urination issues, Possible heart murmur this waned but there is enlargement now at the 4th month at which point Buddy went into steep decline. It just dawned on me to look and see if this drug might be the reason. Its crazy to think they dont recover and can die in a few months. I notified my vet and Zoetis, the company that makes this drug. Im going to another vet and discontinuing simparica. Instead it has become a world of greed. I don't want another animal harmed by this stuff, one animal is one to many. It is important to work with your veterinarian to ensure the best flea/tick and heartworm prevention plan for your pets specific needs. She has what is called knuckling. Follow the directions on the drug label for Simparica or Simparica Trio or as provided by your veterinarian. Not even going to risk it . He has been drinking more water then usual. My 10 year old Standard Poodle had one dose of Simparica and had seizures two weeks later, which was yesterday. My 11 year old mini Aussie has been taking Simparica 1.5 years. Like many of you, I was unsure about the cause. I am so worried about her! We are now at about 45 days since last simparica and he is back to his old self. I not any kind of a medical doctor nor am I a vet however I do often research many topics on health related matters both canine and human for decades and then use my common sense to draw logical conclusions or make reasonable guesses. His motor skills have been affected and hes been losing weight even though he eats heartily. What should I do? Don't trust your vet, do your own research. gave this to my dog three different times. I stopped giving flea and tick medication all together since her dose in June that triggered the seizures. Called Vet tonight and got a first appointment for tomorrow morning . Needless, to say I will not be giving them the simparica trio again. Back to the vet and I hope they credit my money. Vet said if she vomits bring her in. It seems to coincide with the monthly dosage. Head bobbling and hind legs unable to support her - as if she were really drunk. I had a trainer come in the day of, and he was with me the all day, NOTHING a happened for him to be in pain! Billy Boy is a 9 week old Daisy Dog. However, they are possible, so it is better to know they might happen. Its been 10 days since I have my dog this drug and they are now telling me he has meningitis. I hope this product is no longer sold anywhere. around 12 years She grabs and won't let go. Read the package insert and it does list tremors and seizures as a side effect. He collapsed & went limp in my arms . Gave my 3 year old Yorkie Simparica and 24hrs later he became hyperactive panting pacing and started hiding in dark places. It is a very traumatic experience that I saw my 1 year old dog go through and now no lo ever here. After reading theses comments I started looking into SIMPARICA TRIO. Thank all who have posted to bring this subject to light. Vet office said make sure to give with food. I just hope he makes it to his life expectancy . In some dogs, Simparica may cause abnormal neurologic signs such as: Tremors and Seizures. Duke is 7 month boxer And we have the simpatica on Monday and cant believe this stools Hopefully it doesnt last long. I would notice he gets super tired walking and would go limp in my arms. The reaction lasted less than 12 hours. This is so awful. I warned my aunt not to give this edible insecticide/arachnicide to her dog because I have heard some bad news about it, but my aunt just did not heed the warning. my vet recommended this for both my yorkies. Started giving my dogs Simparica Trio 5 months ago didn't put together the changes in the one dogs personality until today within a couple of weeks she would all of a sudden go from a loving dog to attacking the other dog it is getting worse. He has no appetite, wont drink water and his mouth is so dry. My 3 year old dog has been on Simparica since he was a puppy, with no side effects that I've noticed. Certain age, breed predispositions. I suppose with any drug, during trials, there will be some who have side effects ranging from negligible to life threatening. This sounds so scary. Bella continues to drink in excess of normal amounts. My dog has been on simpatico trio for 5 months .. and still got a deer tick .. Tell your veterinarian if your dog has a history of seizures or other neurologic disease. all my dogs were prescribed and my eldest dog has had a strange reaction hives all over his body, panting, restless started same night he took the pill but has had the product on previous occasions with no side effects but this time he had a that reaction,had to administer meticam for the pain and antihistamines for the hives - he is still not right after 4 days and my other dog louie has always suffered from seizures since a pup vet say possible epilepsy - managed without medication at present and I do always try to avoid medication with him as they always make his seizures worse - I am so angry for not researching this further before .. The Vet's are so busy that even if you can get in you don't get anywhere. and to only let him out on a leash to go potty. They have increased and worsened over the last 3 months. So new pup goes on garlic tabs-as he growing I'm upping the amount because I wanted him to be protected. Would you mind sharing what happened with your pup? It is really eye-opening to see everyone's experiences. I definitely will not poison her with this garbage anymore. Still waiting to find out of she has progressed. This medication is generally well tolerated in most pets. best of luck to all whose furry ones have gotten sick from this and as well hugs to those who lost their beloved pets. Our pup only made it 4 months after her first seizure, but this did seem to help her symptoms toward the end. He drank not crazy about dog food . Went to a different vet, within minutes he found a large mass on my Poms abdomen. She is scared of her own shadow, walks into things at times, trips and stumbles, has become very timid, stares at the wall and has to have either me or my husband in sight at all times. This medication must really be strong to do Flea tic and heart worm etc. So sorry you are having to go through this! He licks his lips all the time? Our Vet suggested Simparica Trio! Did anyone see any signs of improvement in their dogs? He woke up and seemed much brighter. We hope this will solve our problems and he can live a healthy and happy life. However a spinal tap of the fluid surrounding the spinal cord would be need to prove your dog indeed has spinal meningitis and then to treat for the specific bacterium or viral causes. He has no appetite. When did you stop giving the Simparico Trio? At the same time, it opens glutamate-gated channels, which adds to the flood of nerve communications. I would absolutely rather be safe than sorry.. no more simparica trio for that guy. He never ever used to do this. Revolution has been around decades with less incidents of animal reactions. I have been giving my lab puppy (6 months old now) Simparica Trio since October. Does any one think this could be a reaction to Simparico Trio? She has been very unpredictable and snapping at people but this is improving. Sarolaner is effective against the following tick species: Moxidectin is an antiparasitic drug in the macrocyclic lactone class. Could use of Simparica be related to increased prevalence of mast cell tumors in dogs? This is because it doesn't kill adult heartworms. Im a new pet owner and this will sound ignorant Im sure but I had NO IDEA this is how flea meds works and completely trusted my vet who knows my dogs past sensitive history and I was given the drug not even in its package so I could read anything about it but in individual pills. I will never give him this drug again. How is ur puppy? Simparica Trio is the brand name of a chewable tablet that protects dogs from heartworm disease, fleas, five species of ticks, and two types of intestinal parasites. I looked up side effects for this drug and was horrified to find that the flea med can cause tremors seizures and worse. We were told the Neurologist would be between $10,000 to $12,000. The FDA is alerting pet owners and veterinarians of the potential for neurologic adverse events in dogs and cats when treated with drugs that are in the isoxazoline class. My chihuahua is 18 days since the last seizure episode, she is finally playing again but I'm noticing her shaking her head on the left side and it's very odd. He is pissing a lot and often and drinking a lot of water. I am so mad at the vet and think we should file suit against this company. Daily Paws is part of the Meredith National Digital Network. 5 hours after the dose she's home resting. The company that makes it said they didnt change the flavor, but I live in a high tick area, so switched to Simparica Trio. We rushed to the vets who said it had to be neurological and once I mentioned the diarrhea she looked into Simparica suspecting MDR1 with my dog. She is lethargic and doesnt want to eat. This time I am seeing a little blood or tissue in her stool. Although he didnt continue throwing up and was fine otherwise, he was still outside 12 hours later eating grass. I was reading that this drug enters the bloodstream quickly after giving it, and these symptoms and all the other reports have convinced me that I'm done using this on my pup. While veterinarians often prescribe medications for off-label uses, your veterinarian will determine whether Simparica is right for your pet. One common alternative is to give Heartgard for heartworms and intestinal parasites along with Bravecto to prevent fleas and ticks, but there are other choices out there. He has been dribbling pee and no longer has a stream and for obvious reasons is asking to go out way more often than his usual. Pyrantel only treats parasites found in the gastrointestinal tract because it does not absorb well into the bloodstream. Ekko then started having seizures in May,June and July. He has been low energy since. He seems sometimes anxious and is sensitive to noise outside. He had a serious skin issue a few months back and it was blamed on fleas. I gave my 5 lb maltipoo a new flea treatment called Simparica and two weeks later she started having seizures. Glad i held off on the free sample i was given! He looked like he was having a seizure. The vets and neurologists say it's not simparica trio - but she was perfectly healthy until that dose was given. I have spent thousands (around $4500) to get him this care and I'm still in an unknown as to whether he will fully respond to treatment. Today is day three and she is a little better, with fewer episodes of tremor and more often able to walk without falling. Hoping that these side effects dont get worse and subside soon . Call the FDA. I have been feeding her some white rice hoping it improves. I will never give my dog this medication again. Hi, how much charcoal did you administer? Same as you describe. Tremors continued, on and off, for 2 hours. I put him on boiled chicken & rice and got him calmed down. We took him to vet and they gave nausea meds and kept him overnight. It comes as the first choice when prescribing a treatment due to its liver flavor. I hope this drug has not caused permanent damage. My dog is experiencing these same symptoms and had his first accident in yearsss in the house and is drinking water excessively. What do I do? First it was a fake guess of Lyme (she's from Texas where Lyme is not) disease diagnosis and $1200 wasted. The cost of Simparica Trio generally ranges from $2230 per dose depending on the tablet size, number of doses, and source of purchase. I hate that I did this to her and I hate that the Vet does not seem to care. At first B seemed fine. Our pups had been on next guard and heart guard with no issues but new vet stopped selling those products so switched to to the simparica trio - gave a dose to our 7 ur old 71 pound blue tick coonhound Frazier and our 10 mo 45 pound labradoodle- Watson. My husband said , get dressed were taking him in . He has been eating the same organic GF food for the past several years. This was the 2nd does I have him. Gave my 14 month old 88 lb. They were taking Simperica for flea/tick and Heartguard to prevent heart worms. This may post twice - I didn't see my original post so I'm trying again! I only stumbled on the side effects of this drug via a post on a Spinone group. When he lays in the sun you can see the bumps under his skin. How is your dog now? You don't think I'm going to continue with this poison. Heartworm medicine alone should be ok. Oh my god I'm so glad I found this group. Related questions. Not grass grazing either. Animal Drug Safety Communication: FDA Alerts Pet Owners and Veterinarians About Potential for Neurologic Adverse Events Associated with Certain Flea and Tick Products, How to Report Problems with Flea and Tick Products, An official website of the United States government, : Furious that this out there for pets. I wish I would have researched this before giving it to my puppy who is only 10 weeks, he has the same symptoms . It has been 5 days since she had the 3 seizures in 24 hours. She is healing and has no new rashes or sores. We got to the Animal Hospital . I feel like she's been an experiment to make others money. This happened to our 2yr old frenchie last Friday. We all want to protect our pets from fleas, ticks and the diseases they carry, but some treatments can come with nasty side effects. How is your puppy doing? I called the vet and they said it was likely brought on by stress. 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simparica trio for dogs side effects

simparica trio for dogs side effects