christian voter guide colorado

We must ask whether the life of a child is as important as his mothers convenience. I am all for everyones equal rights to life, liberty, and happiness as long as it doesnt affect the same for others. But I am a concerned citizen, and its time We the People take back our country and our freedoms. My Faith Votes | COLORADO ( Pick a Different State) Pledge. Moreover, I will give no sort of medicine to any pregnant woman, with a view to destroy the child. In conjunction with securing the Right to Life of the pre(& post)-born human, the government has an obligation to the mother in ensuring appropriate obligations are held against the father, and severe deterrent punishments against those committing rape or incest. He asked Whom should I send? I answered, Send me. I will wholeheartedly represent the people of House District 62 and respect them. Should Colorado law allow families to utilize their own 529 savings account funds for their childrens K-12 education (this has been permitted by the IRS since 2018 but states must opt-in)? The state must work towards a win-win-win solution that takes all sides into account. But if a catholic believes that ones religious positions should not be involved in ones political involvement, please consider me. In addition, we need to protect all individuals rights and freedoms, not just some peoples rights. Same sex marriage, for better or worse, is already the law. County School Board member who was a co-founder of the conservative organization Moms for Liberty and the wife of Christian Ziegler, the new chairman of the Republican . I agree that healthcare legislation should be patient centered. Learn More. I am deeply interested to hear the perspective of your organization. Pornography should not be made available through public schools. The listed values are supported by the Colorado bishops. You may be trivializing the agony of some of these decisions by pointing out only that this Act allows for elective abortion for every week of pregnancy. This is not the business of the state, this is an individual choice. Choose a state for registration, voting information, and guides. He attended Catholic schools in Miles City, graduating from Sacred Heart High School in 1969. SB19-143 mandated the early release of prisoners through the parole process, SB 21-271 was the so-called misdemeanor reform act that essentially took the handcuffs off of the criminals and shackled law enforcementthis bill also placed the minimum bounty on colorado families by allowing for a victimization of $2000 before an arrest can be made. Statutory. Voter Guides. Regulation of marriage, if any, should be left to individuals and their church, if any. Yes, this money belongs to the families and should be able to be spent by families to invest in the best education for their children. Private individuals and business can provide solutions that are efficient and successful. Absolutely! tarrant county conservative voter guide 2022. Tuesday, February 15, 2022 The Church Voter Guides provide voters with information about where candidates stand on key issues, not a simple yes or no answer. Since 2014, he has served as pastor of Holy Cross Parish in Thornton, Colorado, and he continues to teach the seminarians as well as the permanent diaconate candidates. I believe strongly in prison education to ensure prisoners have something to turn to when they get out, allowing them to become productive members of society while also saving money by keeping them out of prison in the future. Rather, we seek to equip Christians to fully engage in every aspect of our wonderful Republican form of government, and to utilize all of our rights in order to secure these rights for every single citizen and all future generations. I believe marriage is between a man and a woman. Question is too broad for me to be able to provide an answer. So perhaps there could be strict limits on internet use for those who brains should be developing with one to one personal contact, fresh air and playgrounds. Our faith maintains a hierarchy of values when voting on candidates and issues. From 2002 to 2008, he was pastor of four rural parishes: St. Mary in Henrietta, St. Jerome in Bowie, St. William in Montague and St. Joseph in Nocona. This is a tough question: Welfare bu definition is a safety-net that is consistently abused by both recipient(s) and politicians who use the corrupted systems to garner votes. Thus, before asking the State for money, we should ask over what or whom we would like the State to have absolute control. We need to fund these efforts. Our faith maintains a hierarchy of values when voting on candidates and issues. Add 2 strikes to the 3 strikes felony rule. And legal pathways to citizenship are needed. At some point though, there are reasonable contraints on how we treat each other in a pluralist and diverse society, and when the issue arises, I cannot support using personal belief as a justification for cruel or discriminatory behavior towards others. If the foundation for the development and use of more environmentally friendly sources cannot be articulated on their own merits, why should it be seen as just to have the state financially motivate people to do so? In Colorado, an individual can register to vote if he or she is at least 16 years old and will be 18 by Election Day. I plan to pitch an artificial uterus: Repaying a debt to society cannot be just a matter of having been sequestered with other criminals if a functional return to society is expected. I will commit to restoring the parents bill of rights, make any possession of fentanyl, heroin, etc a felony, and repeal this extreme abortion bill. Medical providers should not be required to provide health care services thats against their moral or religious values. This is truly sad if Colorado becomes an Abortion destination. I will work to roll back laws and other government restrictions on people of faith, which I believe are unconstitutional but have gone unchallenged. Until the insurance industry is compelled into a free market, our stalemate remains. No, we should not incentivize any medical treatments. Policy should be focused on a hand-up not a hand-out. Voter guides and sample ballots can help you decide who you can vote for and what ballot measures will be up for vote at election time. I firmly believe in and will fight to protect the rights of the people to determine their own futures as long as those choices do not interfere with the rights of others. We have not been represented at the capital, when it comes to our Christian values. Per the Colorado Constitution Article V, section 34, no appropriation shall be made for charitable, industrial, educational or benevolent purposes to any person, corporation or community not under the ABSOLUTE CONTROL OF THE STATE. 8675 Explorer Drive, Suite 112 | Colorado Springs, CO 80920. This can be best accomplished at the local level This is the job of the church, not government. immigrants who are illegal may need help with human needs, but they should be deported and encouraged to follow legal channels to immigration. Upon graduation, Bishop-designate Berg taught music at Tarrant County College in Fort Worth. I believe immigrants need to come here legally. Only 6% of voters in the U.S agree with 3rd trimester abortions. Archbishop Aquilas episcopal motto comes from the Blessed Virgin Marys instructions at Cana: Do whatever he tells you (Jn 2:5)., "As Catholics, we have a moral duty to vote with an informed conscience, and to pray for wisdom and guidance as we head to the voting booth. Working with people at all stages of life and allowing the gift of our Catholic faith to provide direction, support and new life is greatly rewarding. I hope to have your support on November 8th. All welfare needs to have a work component so as to build self reliance, skills and encourage opportunities. The guide helped me see what the candidates really care about. I will uphold the constitution. Voters can no longer mail their ballots starting on Nov. 1. Your Colorado 2022 Voter Guide is a team effort, made possible by the following: Reporters: Jesse Paul, Sandra Fish. A Man's Guide to Standing for Life . Voting as a Catholic As faithful Catholics, it is our duty shape the moral character of our community, state, and country through voting. We can look work towards incorporating alternatives but we must also continue to use oil, gas, and coal. We achieve religious freedom as Roman Catholics by fully respecting the US Constitution and associated documents (e.g Decl. My goals are to protect the innocence of our children. I believe this is a First Amendment issue. Weve created an insatiable beast in government, and the sooner we address that reality the better. While I am non-religious myself, Ive found that I share significant overlap in humanist values with people of several faith traditions: welcoming the stranger, supporting the poor, and sharing resources equitably to make our society more just. I honor Him in all that I do. Those of us who lead our lives according to our faith, need to step into the realm of public policy to ensure our rights are protected. I will stand for our most vulnerable population, our children, through transparent educational curiculums without agendas. Criminal justice should protect the innocent and punish the guilty. Since a massive override of the public school system is emerging, Ill say Yes, As-Is. Medical care could be more effectively obtained if self-pay was allowed at Medicare rates which are typically 20-25% of billed amounts. ", "Responsible citizenship is a virtue, and participation in political life is a moral obligation rooted in our baptismal commitment to follow Jesus Christ and to love our neighbor as ourselves. Marriage and Family: Marriage is the union of a man and a woman who together as husband and wife may become father and mother to any children they produce. DONATE ONLINE NOW . They seek to murder our children in the womb or corrupt them with sexual promiscuity. I am a proponent of small government and responsible, individual liberty. When we arent engaged, we leave the law and policy making to others who dont make the same faith-based decisions we would. 2022 Biblical Voter. I know my Bible and the Law and I know how to navigate one with the other. I hope that agreement can be reached across the aisle on this. However, any illegal immigrant should not benefit from our government programs which are funded by hard-working taxpayers. I am the daughter of a Vietnam Veteran and a school teacher, the wife of a woodworker, the mother of three adult children, and the humble servant of God. Church Voter Guides, based in Colorado Springs, has produced a Voter Guide for the State Assemblies in Colorado specifically to provide information about each candidate to the Delegates. Environmentally friendly must be extracted from ideologically constrained. The best way to lower the cost of energy is to stop preventing the extraction of natural gas and declassify CO2 as a pollutant, since it is literally the building block of plant growth. He is also currently the pastor at St. Joseph parish in Denver. The following has been compiled with information from the 2022 State Ballot. Charity is better in all ways, and it works better, as well. Colorado Law should not be involved in this personal decision. My name is Shelli Shaw, and I am running for Colorado House District 59. Wed, Sep 21st, 2022 10:19:46 pm. Minimum wage laws serve to keep low-skilled workers out of the economy and drive up inflation. I am certainly for protecting children and others at risk because of sexualized predators. The disgusting practice of butchery and infanticidenor the funding of this IS NOT a function of government. FILE - Florida Gov. While I personally disagree with the RHEA, the act is consistent with what the majority of Coloradans have voted for on citizen initiatives. Support local journalism: As a public service, we have decided to put the 2022 Colorado Primary Election Guide in front of our paywall so you can access it for free. As Individuals we are responsible for decisions we make and the consequences of those decisions. The guide will be updated with new stories up to Election Day, Nov. 8. He has taught theology at the Pontifical Lateran University, at the Pontifical Institute Regina Mundi and at the Institute for Religious Sciences at the Pontifical Gregorian University in Rome. As long as it is temporary. So I volunteered with Church Voter Guides. I believe in a persons freedom to exercise their sincerely held religious beliefs, privately, publicly, and in their businesses. However, the best welfare and support for the poor is the local community and churches. Should Colorado law provide incentives for abortion providers to move to Colorado to meet abortion demand from out-of-state pregnant women? Certainly no one should be forced to perform procedures theyre opposed to, but neither should patients go into a medical situation expecting a certain type of care and finding out too late that they wont be accommodated. Colorado spends over $13B on repairing or replacing damage from crimes. of Independence, etc). I stand for my Father in Heaven and the mercy He has bestowed on our State. Gods Word never changes. The hand up has been allowed to become the hand-out. Archbishop Aquila serves on numerous boards and committees, including the Papal Foundation, the Bishops Advisory Council for the Institute for Priestly Formation and the Board of Trustees for the Augustine Institute. I believe that any welfare program should be short-term and encourage work (not just job hunting but actually holding a job). Its the how to restrict access that is the kicker. Forcing providers to act outside of their conscience will result in fewer medical providers, and those remaining providers being those willing to act without conscience. 2022 Evaluations Please click on your county below to find the district and county judges, if any, standing for retention in your judicial district. 615 Macon Ave., Room LL6 Caon City, CO 81212 (fax) 719-276-7338 There is one private Catholic high school in the diocese that currently serves approximately 254 students, while an additional 1,325 students receive instruction through five parish-based elementary schools. This idea is already in practice across the nation, with very little success, recidivism rates are 80% or higher. Higher energy costs are the direct result of over-bearing regulation and taxation. I thought that this was happening now. If we restrict any content, we take steps into Nazism. I am greatly concerned about the dangers faced by illegal immigrants who travel the thousands of miles from their homes to come to an uncertain future in America. But in order to have an impact they must get into the hands of voters. Peters went even further than just offering up full-time crazy talk. I would need to know more about this hypothetical bill to confidently answer the question. Samuel J. Aquila was born on September 24, 1950, in Burbank, California. We should strive to lead with compassion and help those who we find need it most. Browse the categories at the left or select "Choose My Guide" to see races specific to you. Pathways to citizenship should always be encouraged, however the state should not motivate immigration. The government should have no role in the matter. This helps you to make an informed decision when voting based on the candidates for office and state legislative issues that impact our Judeo-Christian beliefs. Pornography is satans weapon of mass destruction, I believe the law should encourage pathways to citizenships and legal work, but I believe it is the church and private entities that should support welfare, Colorados energy policy should encourage private investment and competition and focus on sustainable solutions, Yes. /* Must be below squarespace-headers */(function(){var e='ontouchstart'in window||navigator.msMaxTouchPoints;var t=document.documentElement;if(!e&&t){t.className=t.className.replace(/touch-styles/,'')}})(). Our greatness comes from recognizing that God, not government or rulers, gave us our rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. As your legislator I will support incarcerated people who want real help in rehabilitating themselves, and I will support private organizations and charities who work with people that want to re-enter society. Remember, in Colorado, you can register to vote and vote, in-person, all the way up until 7 p.m. on Election Day (that's Nov. 2). I can only deny those Rights to others by denying their status as Creator endowed, which precariously denies them to myself as well. I am prolife, my opponent is radically pro abortion. They should vote for me Bc I will represent their individual interest and bring their voices to the floor. October 18, 2022 This year, three amendments are being considered for ratification to the Colorado Constitution. If anything, the legislators should be repealing legislation that has failed to meet expectations. The purpose of government is to secure our Creator endowed Rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness. The role of the government is to protect rights and liberties not force people to do things that violates their conscience. Government must not use the health-care system to infringe on the rights or privacy of people. Voting in Colorado County clerks are mailing ballots to active registered voters this week. I think everyone can agree that late term abortions should only be allowed if the life of the mother is in question. I was thrilled with the results of the school board election. I believe in the sanctity of life at all stages. We need programs in place to allow legal movement of people across the border including guest worker programs, We should never forget that real people are affected by these decisions and you dont eliminate one option before having a reliable alternative in place. KRDO 2022 Voter Guide; . I attended a Catholic Grade School and High School and understand the value of a private sector education. WallBuilders is an organization dedicated to presenting America's forgotten history and heroes, with an emphasis on the moral, religious, and constitutional foundation on which America was built - a foundation which, in recent years, has been seriously attacked and undermined. Obamacare wasnt enough. I am an active member of the Catholic Church and I support the key social teachings of the church as embodied by the key encyclicals such as Humani Generis, Humanum Genus, and Pasendi Dominici Gegis. If some people are not free to think, speak, work and act according their well-founded beliefs, then none of us is really free. Parents should be allowed to use resources and tax dollars to put their child in the most conducive learning environment for child and family. pornography is exploitive, damaging and addictive (enslaving); it is also associated with abuse, extortion and human trafficking, undermining the Rights of all participants. Patient or Provider, they are individuals who have value and propose in-and-of themselves. I am ok with a safety net as long as it promotes return to the work force. Criminals should be held accountable for their actions, and prevention and rehabilitation should be part of the equation. [2] Focus on the Family is one of a number of evangelical parachurch organizations that rose to prominence in the 1980s. Both go hand-in-hand. Censorship and moral guidance is the job of churches, not governments. U.S Constitution, 1st Amendment. I believe in science and find no conflict between it and religion. 2. Bad governance and our loss of freedom is the direct result of the churchs failure to disciple. Our current legislatures have wasted our tax dollars on failing programs and senseless research. Should Colorado law ensure all immigrants have basic human needs, enable work, and encourage pathways to citizenship? After his ordination, Bishop-designate Berg served as parochial vicar of St. Michael Catholic Church in Bedford, Texas from 1999 to 2001. In most cases our courts have overturned these attempts, but this battle must end. I spent 22 years in the US Army dedicated to protecting those rights from foreign foes. Our Catholic values need to deeply inform our secular life and politics but we must respect all people in the society and apply the same rules to everyone equally. As a practicing Catholic, my views are highly aligned with the Catholic Conference. If illegal immigrant, your basic needs should be met then you should be sent back to the country in which you came. Will you please give a generous gift to put more Christian candidates in office all across the country. years later, I switched to protestantism after abuses by my home-parish drove me to find another place to worship. In addition, local churches that previously would not get involved with politics are now promoting our 501c3-compliant Church Voter Guides to their members. This trend continues and has resulted in various citizens needing to take their cases to the US Supreme Court. California Secretary of State 916-657-2166 Email California Election Information. Marriage is a covenant between two people and their deity or belief system, its not a function of nor the proper role of government to be involved in this process and should never have been. 8655 Explorer Drive Colorado Springs, CO 80920 866.655.4545 . In 1999, he was invited by then Archbishop Charles Chaput to teach in the newly launched St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver, and to serve as Associate Pastor of St. Therese Parish in Aurora. Almost the whole city voted in people who share my values. Far too often, our justice system simply throws people away and then fails to provide even basic opportunities or tools to rehabilitate and return to society. My Plan involves such. Charity cannot be coerced, but that is the only means by which the government can obtain money to perpetuate a poor imitation of the Christian charity it intends to supplant. I use medicaid myself. From 1999-2001, he served as the first Rector of St. John Vianney Theological Seminary in Denver and Chief Executive Officer of Our Lady of the New Advent Theological Institute. Voter guides provide background information on the candidates and ballot measures. In 2001, he became parochial vicar of St. John the Apostle Catholic Church in North Richland Hills, Texas. Colorado Voter Guides Biblical Voter COLORADO VOTER GUIDES DISCLAIMER: Biblical Voter is for educational purposes only. I will fight to empower parents, not teachers to make decisions on their childrens mental, physical, and spiritual well-being and hold those that circumvent a parents rights are punished to the full extent of the law. Colorado ballots are being sent out to all registered voters. In-person early voting starts Oct. 24 and runs to Nov. 8 (except Oct. 29-30 and Nov. 6). I believe in Individual freedom. Marriage should be determined by the church. Vote Under God. When non-government agencies provided for immediate needs of the poor, the poor were better cared for than they are now. I will do my utmost to protect the individual rights of Coloradans in HD-16. He was ordained Dec. 24, 1987. Therefore I dont think we need a state law. Patient centered care is absolutely crucial. But since they are I would support this. . But that must include the freedom from religion. I do believe in the first amendment and the freedom of religion. On March 18, 2002, he became Bishop of Fargo, and from 2005 to 2006 he also acted as Apostolic Administrator for the Diocese of Sioux Falls. As christians, it is our obligation to give folks a chance to reform. While there are a host of important issues at play in any election, no issue of more preeminent than the violent killing of thousands of unborn children every day in our nation. The Colorado Progressive Voters Guide compiles the information that allows you to make informed decisions about the races on your ballot based on your values. Again, this should not under ANY CIRCUMSTANCE be considered a function of government! I am a proponent of school choice. Colorado has the highest inflation rate in the country, the 5th highest crime rate, and the second highest rate of drug-overdose deaths. God-given) right to immigrate to create a better situation for themselves and their families. In the meantime, these costly programs increase joblessness and homelessness. Yes. Please Pray and Vote. As a public service, we compiled this primary voter guide for the 2022 elections. Additional Resources Party Platforms View Platforms Absentee Requirements & Application View Information He was ordained to the priesthood in Denver, Colorado, on June 5, 1976, and served in parish ministry for 11 years. Bishop Golka is the fourth of ten children born September 22, 1966, to Robert and Patricia Golka. We should protect every child at any age. Unfortunately it has proven beyond the capacity for government to effectively and compassionately care for those needing a helping hand since Government programs are incentivized to create government dependence. Allowing the private sector the opportunity to invest in our future energy solutions will advance technology and create wealth. The foundational models for CO2 require an adjustment exceeding 15%, rendering them useless for predicting the variations of less than 1% that will supposedly send the climate careening into catastrophe. With obvious exceptions such as abuse of children and minors, I dont believe the government should engage in censorship. He was appointed Coadjutor Bishop of Fargo on June 12, 2001, and his Episcopal Ordination Mass was celebrated at St. Marys Cathedral in Fargo on August 24, 2001. Not all immigrants. If the legislators put this into law, it would draw illegal immigrants and drain the resources for our schools and hospitals as it has already done in communities across the nation. I will be accessible and at monthly House District meetings. I am unsure of your definition of basic human needs. But Colorado law should certainly encourage and not block work. There should always be options for patients to receive the care they believe is right for themselves, regardless of their insurance carrier or whos in-network. Paying your debt back to society is the first step in establishing that one is truly reforming. 10 years ago? Welfare should provide a net to catch someone and help them stand up, but should not be a life long income system that promotes stagnation. Be short-term and encourage opportunities Election Day, Nov. 8 ( except Oct. 29-30 and Nov. 6 ) not involved... Be considered a function of christian voter guide colorado of basic human needs, enable,! 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christian voter guide colorado

christian voter guide colorado