england is depressing and full of chavs

Lets forget the Europeans for a minute , delusional Brits think as an Indian I must find the UK to be a paradise but I absolutely HATE it. If only life in the UK would be a magical world. What a load of crap. The Fabian Society considers the term to be offensive and regards it as "sneering and patronising" to a largely voiceless group. Are you feeling excited about moving around a bit more? [citation needed], The large supermarket chain Asda has attempted to trademark the word "chav" for a line of confectionery. Take care! Perhaps! You cant have all the decisions go your way. We were fantasising about walking on a beach somewhere and eating fresh fruits. We left for 6 years, living in Australia and France but recently returned for 6 weeks. At first I got a bit touchy and defensive around some of the elements but then stopping to think about it, I've actually seen many of my own observations in what you have written. We contribute more to the country than many others. 10) Blackburn. This is not the case in the UK. Like everywhere else, it already has pressures from an ageing longer living population. The main reason is that I see the EU as being an impossible project, led by weak consensus politicians with no grand vision for economic growth. If you come to Canada, feel free to get in touch with me. It is the immigrants who maintain Britain afloat, and it is because of the immigrants that we have good doctors, dedicated teachers and hard-working baristas in the local cafes. If you are not careful, it can be a cruel existence whereby you work to live and you live to work. I i moved to U.K. from Italy in 2016 to 2017 and life there was too expensive and bad weather. My living abroad was more a lesson for personal growth than it was for achieving happiness. You will struggle to find even 5, because this country purely relies on selling services rather than impacting products and innovative results. I even learned the slang, so I feel one of "them". Leave a comment below. However, every time I turn on the news it makes me question whether it is the right choice. This means an average British person has a wardrobe full of Autumn clothing and about 10 different types of wellies. Hi Lena, it took a lot of courage to say all these things. There are cheap things too but expect to get what you pay for. So which country is the worst then? I wish the world would be more open, patient, loving. Good luck with your move. I need a bit more peace and quiet. "[36] In Kingsman: The Secret Service, the main character Eggsy Unwin (Taron Egerton) is introduced as a stereotypical chav.[37]. People always blame it on individuals and never on parties, politic beliefs or societies. Hey! After Brexit, I really didn't want to be here any more. To give an idea of the divide on the Brexit vote night my Italian neighbours who I had never met before invited me around for a party so I was getting drunk with about 15 Italians before we found out the result. Politicians havent listened to the people on this issue and Brexit was a cry for help. That changed everything. It's like someone has brought all my thought and captured it in a well written text! It doesn't rain disproportionately at all. I wish you all the best, MJ. They say they hate the French, but its not French immigrants they have an issue with. No country is perfect, but if you consider our history, museums, NHS, free education, the honesty of our police force and courts, business opportunities, freedom of speech, music, religious diversity, food safety (a huge problem in Asia by the way), lack of corruption, the countryside, quality of regulation, its military, animal rights, gender equality, gay rights, time zone, infrastructure, I still content the UK is one of the best countries to live in the world. I would probably live there for a few years, but ultimately, would need a bit more sunshine. The UK has more international communities than any other country in the world. I hope to God, James, that you get the taste of your own medicine. However, the vast majority of Brits are not racist, just a small majority (around 52%), you know, those who voted to leave. You may be from Scotland Wales or Northern Ireland which would make your question laughable. Look at the buffoon in power now. And thank you for mentioning how expensive it is to live in the UK! It sounds like a great option for digital nomads, so why not? just told me that I will never be English (nor I would like to be). I chose to live in Manchester for University but lived for 6 years in Bristol. We have such moderate weather that it poses the least threat to life of anywhere in the world. Since we are talking about culture, I must touch base on the food. Discourse on chavs in contemporary Britain has been widely implicated in the . The problem is that it's a numbers game. I explain a bit more about why I want to move away here: http://www.anestingnomad.com/2016/07/i-want-to-emigrate-to-australia.html/ and the good news that I am (visa willing) about to move is here: http://www.anestingnomad.com/2016/12/my-big-news-is.html/. Dream! Another of my favorite things of England are the diversity that you can see on in the people who lives her. It's amazing really. But this was short-lived because I arrived in the UK during a dark time for Romanians and Bulgarians who just joined the EU. I understand and appreciate your opinions. I really like your article. It sounds like it, my friend. Stuffed peppers and aubergines with meat and rice. Such an insightful piece of writing! Thank you for your message. So what went wrong? 3) Live somewhere else where you can actually LIVE and not simply EXIST. This puts us into conflict with other countries that want to keep us in our place and some people find this a shock to the system compared to their home country. The referendum changed everything for me. Thank you for your honesty, for this long and extremely interesting post. This is sad. We British are trying to adapt to the new situation, nearly as much as the immigrants are. I am not a young person but to find work in Canada is miserably difficult unless you live in a major City. Frankly, nowadays the UK attracts the immigrants who cannot get into Australia, Canada, NZ, Singapore, and of course, the US. This along with the supposed 1 million violent crimes committed due to alcohol per year and the 25% increase in liver diseases, suggests we can't handle our drink either. I guess Einstein was right after all..only two things are infiniteyou know the saying As we were already British citizens, we too participate in the vote and yes, we voted "stay" in case you were wondering. Very interesting! James, why are you in Germany if you hate the EU so much? They showed me a name. It's not all political jibber jabber lies, it's equations and facts! I'd really like to visite England again, because i think i lacked many things to know and experience in this place, i like England very much and i hope to be back soon. :). You are from Romania but you don't want to live there? I think I have officially reached the point of depression due to the rain and I am absolutely desperate to leave. I can cook Cantonese, Japanese (my favourite), Thai, Indian, French, Italian, Spanish and what not! Trust me, live as a black person in Italy or Greece, or a Muslim in Colombia or Argentina for a while and you will really understand racism. There are lots of things that could be better in the UK, like the NHS funding, but overall it's a fantastic country to live in and even though I'm a foreigner, I felt obliged to step in and add my 2 cents :). They married Chinese wives or Chinese husbands and now they have to take them out of their very reserved culture and environment to adapt to something new all because the foreigner doesn't like living in China anymore? Totally agree with so much of this! Those who are racist can be found anywhere, even in your own country. She tutted and was saddened by the crappy state of London. Also the people respect all the transit rules, in England the streets are very neater, on the contrary in Chile they`re full of traffic and disorder. Even if it is just a coincidence, I definitely get you when you say you feel as though you're treated differently. Garlicky paprika chicken stews and bakes. Vine leaf rolls with rice. This post is so timely for us - we're currently approaching the end of our two year contract and are trying to decide whether we move on from Abu Dhabi to travel relatively long-term or whether we commit to another year. Hi!! You can always visit though. Sigh. I couldn't agree more. something changed. If you published that about any other people and country, you would have the police at your door for inciting racial hatred. You can't compare Lisbon to London of course. And dozens of other things if you bothered to look it up, which you aren't. Dear Rhiannon, thank you for your comment. Saying that, UK has a huge potential to rebound when it breaks away from the limpets in power sucking its tits off. We are now in Portugal and we miss the prices for groceries in the UK BUT with everything, life is still such much cheaper here. No school for my kids.. All too expensive. Ive been living/travelling & working abroad for the last five years. Thank you for your message and thank you for taking the time to write back to me. We lived in Bristol, Bob. The Oxford English Dictionary defines "chav" as a "young person from the working class, usually without a high level of education." In 2004, it was announced as the Oxford Languages "Word of the Year" and entered the mainstream, appearing in documentaries and television shows. This is not to say that England (or the rest of the UK) is not a good place to live. I want Britain to get better, because it is my home and I am and love being British. Britain is awful for people born British too x. Whilst I agree with 90% of this article I dont believe that the.majority of people in Britain are racist. I am glad you have found a place in Germany where you feel welcomed and integrated. I am thankful to experience the green landscape, the beauty of rain, a cuppa and simple things in life. People are kind and welcoming. It does have it's strengths, mostly about work, but leisure is not one of them. my heart is there , my heart is here .. Countries like Japan are very friendly to tourists of course, but they would never let foreigners rise to a high level in politics or business. I am half Spanish but raised and born in the uk. we loved what we saw but the thing is that i feel Its not safe for us right know and Its messy with all this brexit thing. To be a global citizen shouldn't be a bane of existence. I moved to London 6 months ago from another wealthy Western European country, in search of better work opportunities, to further my career and basically to build a life. You Could Travel All Rights Reserved 2016 - 2023.Use of the content of this website for AI and ML training is prohibited.Privacy Policy | Disclaimer. I am a born and bret brit and I totally agree with you, it is a cold and depressing shit hole. It makes me sad to read this. I am seriously looking to emigrate, do a tour of Scotland first and then see what the rest of the world has to offer. It's a quid pro quo, no? Will be beneficial to sell my home here and move back ?? Its nice to be able to relate to someone once in a while, and for that, Im eternally greatful. This means that if you have a car, you can get pretty much anywhere around the UK. I moved back from the UK to India (which is where I am from) 6 years ago after living there for over 10 years. Being British born myself I have seen how Britain has changed for the worst over the last decade or so and am now trying to convince my husband for us to move abroad somewhere where we can have hotter weather, more reasonable housing and public transport costs, a salary which accurately reflects the amount of work and education that goes into your job and an overall better lifestyle. I could see where things were headed and at the time I was a social worker. Once you move from home and truly settle somewhere else, there is no real home anymore. This is before any deductions. Best of luck with your venture, I really enjoyed reading this article, you really nailed all the points! The hardship will still be there just in a slightly different way (ie:through the spouse that will need to adapt to change and the support needed with it). I came to the UK probably at the same time when you came and I mostly agree with the change that has happened to this country. I have seen both. British people call themselves Expat as they intend to eventually return home, if not on a temporary visa anyway. We have no problem with immigrants who a) arrive legally and contribute by working and b) the UK has a very strong economy that rewards creative, hard working and intelligent people. Owning a car doesn't come cheap in the UK, but luckily, the car market in the country is one of the cheapest in Europe. We should celebrate that and so should other countries. By the way, the United States is 121 on the Global Peace Index, below El Salvador. So, I can fully understand your decision to move away. Really fantastic article, very important to share different perspectives on the state of the UK at the moment. Thanks for this article, but I'd like to add my experience to counterbalance a bit. Think carefully. You can rent a PO box for your business and move it there. Healthcare and education were much worse under the left. Absolutely nobody wants to be english. Loved my time in London (finished my law studies in Univ too), but i guess i have to depart and start looking to bigger gateway. We are at the stage of "Where to now?" However it was one of the most dissapointing moves in my life. I know of Socrates, Plato, Epicurus, Cicero but what do I know of English history? I cannot accept hundreds of people commenting that "the best interest" of someone's kid is to die, without letting the parents try a lost battle, basically to protect the bottom line of the country coffers. Britain is the best example of what it's like to have a split personality. The government is doing nothing to keep this in check, and it has become "salonfhig" to be openly racist. Why did we decide to move out of the UK? Something that would not be possible in my home country (Germany) to that extend. Rent prices are high, and when you add utilities, the internet, council tax and all the rest, you end up with most of your salary gone. What a load of rubbish. The newspapers and the Tory party conjure up this idea that immigrants and immigration are the cause of so many of our problems (strain on social welfare, NHS, not enough housing, not enough jobs etc) to hide the true cause of those problems, which is cuts to funding and their government! Im so worried and upset that Im stuck here and it feels like hell nearly every day. Is it because you're desperately trying to get away, and you can't? The Windrush generation certainly did not receive welcome open arms. We think you are awesome. [2] In other countries like Ireland, "Skanger" is used in a similar manner. The word "chav", and its various synonyms and regional variations, has become a ubiquitous term of abuse for white working class subjects. In the 80's people used to get beaten up for being black. 806 8067 22 Registered Office: Imperial House, 2nd Floor, 40-42 Queens Road, Brighton, East Sussex, BN1 3XB This, in turn, is fantastic for livestock, fantastic for photography and brilliant for people who love walks in nature. Its all about perspective I guess. Thanks for sharing. Once the violence started to happen I could see the shame in their faces though. However, as you said, with Brexit/Windrush/hostile environment etc. The funny thing is we have recently moved to London (it's been 6 months) and we don't seem to be happy at all. So we might as well make the most of it. Hi James and Cory, It sucks that you can't wear a dress unless you go on holiday. I am glad you found a country to call home, and hope you'll enjoy there! For more than a year we are still trying to find our home. London has more recognised international communities than New York. Thank you very much for being brave and courageous, and for writing this article. According to CWJobs the average salary for Professional jobs in London is 52,500. Oh, and I don't know what 'self-sufficant' is - perhaps you were trying to say 'self-sufficient'? The term is used to describe an anti-social lower-class youth dressed in sportswear. Thank you, Cory, for this honest and heartfelt review of your time living in the UK. A small number of people are racist, the rest are stupid and selfish. You can't compare the average salary with the average rent in a normal or even expensive area. I didn't read the whole thing - but as someone who was born here 42 years ago, and regularly goes abroad to escape when everything gets 'too british', I have just returned from a 2 month stint in New York, and I'm finding it really difficult to adjust to the country again. Until next time, I do hope you find it within yourself to open up and really point out what was ill-informed about the article. As a Labour supporter with some Lib Dem views, I cannot reason with the Brexit idea no matter what. After 7 years we would like to move somewhere else. Hes Britains Trump. I'm already considering buying an apartment in Tenerife - a true paradise of sunshine (good climate, great food, low cost of living). Nevertheless, UK like other places needs a new vision. Surprise surprise, a racist in a racist country, what was I expecting?! I am getting to the point that I will miss Uk if I move back, will hard to get back to square 1 as life in Romania is still hard . I would love to visit Prague and although I know many digital nomads pick this city to live in, I believe it's not exactly what I have in mind. Most working Brits are counting the days to retirement and escape from this violent slum. When you're in trouble, first people who are able to help you are your neighbors. I'm a british born and bred caribbean, I left this country around the age of 19 ad travelled to many places during my youth, portugal, spain, France, Greece, USAalot of places. [21] The writer John Harris argued along similar lines in a 2007 article in The Guardian. It's interesting. Best wishes for your move. Acronyms, such as "Council Housed and Vile" have sprung up to explain the. :). I have no hesitation in saying most brits ARE racists but live in denial.English people progress quickly everywhere despite only being half as qualified as a person of colour. Here I am, ten years later, puzzled by the same question. People speak various languages. Also in case you can't read Audrey is British like you are presumably Cory, I am a trans Woman in my 20s and I voted to remain in the referendum back in 2016. The racists will swear up and down that they're not racist while being so completely racist. Yes, I disagree with Brexit, but that is the nature of democracy. I lived alone in a small flat in Birmingham, my wages covered my rent and bills and nothing else. This makes your comment about separating rubbish as a frustration a little lacking in historical context. I mean come on Brian, what do you mean by "people like the author". After the Brexit vote, people started attacking immigrants, and even immigrant looking Brits. Dear Renee, you can't please everyone. Thank you for your comment. Seriously, who compared the UK with Romania? Although, sometimes, we do miss having a good old pint with our mates :). You need to call this out. To be honest honest there is no credibility in your post, as all youve done is made a great realised, narrow minded view of a nation of 60 million people! Paul. What a disgusting attitude. However I found people to be so friendly. I cannot afford to stay here. I agree with Cory 100% im English myself but i really hate living near London the people are violent , too many are on very serious drugs or are junkies and again i agree you cant walk the streets at night safely , In my situation im a transgender woman and too many men in the UK have very homophobic views towards people like me , ive been abused and beaten up in my past and i really just want out of this country now as i am a hard working woman i dont sponge or claim benefits and can live independently in any country as long as im accepted by the local community , I think i will move to Denmark as there people are civilised unlike the UK where they seem to be stuck in the 1950s. 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england is depressing and full of chavs

england is depressing and full of chavs